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Topics by viciousitaly
Posts found: 97-112 of 115
I'm wanting to explore VJing and have been looking up what's available for my PC, Android, GBAs, DMGs and SNES.
With that in mind, does anyone have a reliable link to a download for SQJ (squarejockey)? Their facebook page seems to be sorta up-to-date (it looks like there is a version 3.5 out?) but I have not found a link to SQJ itself on their facebook, through google, or through searching cm.o (there was one post awhile back and its link is now broken).
I've been working my way through your bandcamp lately and absolutely loving it. Keep up the good work 
Also, yay Eastern Washington! The Walla Walla/Tri-cities area is a chip wasteland, so far as I can tell.
Edit: The Bieber quotes...I fucking lol'd so hard
nitro2k01 wrote:Quick hack engaged.
Scary, scary words.
Chip-wise, lots of WMD and 4mat.
The Head and the Heart
First Aid Kit
Paper Diamond
Oneohtrix Point Never (fuck yeah!)
Saw XXYYXX with Giraffage at a show in Portland a week or two ago; accidentally got a bit too drunk and had to catch an early bus home so I missed Giraffage and barely remember XXYYXX (enough to know he was good, though).
Big three I'm consistently bumping are:
Washed Out
Teen Daze
Downstate wrote:i know some people want to keep shit really pure which is cool. but for me, i dont think people should be so afraid of post processing their shit. Can be awesome and adds a whole new creative element to stuff. Nothing better than a recording to tape, soaked in reverb and delay and slowed down to a crawl : )
Amen. My take on the 'pure' thing is that I keep coming back to the tactility of hardware - I could conceivably do everything, start to finish, in software but it's just somehow more fun and more "real" not to. I'm thinking about trying to build some effects boxes/pedals to get a unique sound and have something I made myself to use for post/fx.
Tangent: fuck yeah Shanghai; I need to visit again
Faaaaaaack this sounds awesome. Is any of the content being webcast/saved?
Holy crap, 4mat is amazing. This is exactly what I aspire to. Thanks dudes.
Decktonic wrote:if you have an iOS or Android device, you should try Nanoloop from the app store... it's great.
I own it, but haven't used it much - just a few dinky little things. Should spend more time with it.
Decktonic wrote:I think nanoloop with its FM synthesis is nice for making ambient tracks.
...nice and expensive.
maybe I'll pick up a cart for my GBASP someday.
Hey all,
Y'all seem to be pretty good with recommendations so I figured I'd see what people had to throw out there for this one. I was totally floored by little-scale's "I Am Still Breathing" and would love for some pointers towards chipmusic that is of a similar aesthetic. I love the way little-scale used noise to sound like soothing rain in some of the tracks, and more generally the 'feel' of tracks like "Flowers", etc.
I am also wondering if some of the ambient sounds little-scale was able to make are characteristic of the instrument/s used (I think it was a Sega Nomad?) or if they can be replicated via a simple LSDJ on DMG setup - many of the LSDJ tracks I hear have a much 'harder' aesthetic (Which I'm guessing is just due to the difference between the DMG's sound and the Nomad's YM2612 chip).
TL;DR things like "I Am Still Breathing" plz...also, can DMGs has yummy ambientz?
Domu wrote: yahh Akira totally slipped my mind, thats deffo post-apocalyptic.
And totally awesome!
Domu wrote: Equilibrium is a great film that sort of counts (theyre all post world-war 3, start taking the soma to prevent further wars) Even though the film is a massive rip off of loads of other stories (1984 and brave new world mainly) its well worth the watch.
Yeah, super derivative...but also super fun. Totally worth the watch just for the introduction to the insane concept of 'gun-kata' and some well-thought-out (if totally implausible) fight scenes, etc.
Not technically relevant, but this aggregation of artwork by 東京幻想 is super excellent if you enjoy postapocalyptic scenery. Also makes great wallpapers.
AWESOME! I go to school in WA but live in Portland and have been wanting to see a real chip show for awhile. I could totally come down that weekend with a friend to see you play. If/when you know times & places for gigs, shoot me a PM and I'll be there.
my girlfriend should probably be worried about my thoughts towards the OP-1...
I like that your DMG matches it 
the original image is a hi-res scan of a 35mm photo I shot in some wheat fields. I love the way the telephone pole dissolves into static.
Oh man, this is super exciting. Hopefully I can build up my soldering confidence enough to put one together eventually. Kudos to you for finding such cheap components and planning to make everything freely available, Jeff 
Posts found: 97-112 of 115 / Forums / Posts by viciousitaly