nitro2k01 wrote:

.....looking cool on stage.....

But isn't that why we have HAIRSTYLES and spaz-dancing?


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Who was joking? Just because all your friends are doing it doesn't make it "safe"!
4chan: Not even once!


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You guys are starting to scare me with all this 'luminati and hacker and 4chang talk. I don't want to be hacked or have gay porn posted on my facebook/myspace page. Fuck this shit, I'm out.


(58 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Shit, this is too awesome! SampleChipHop album of the summer? #hashtag

Can sleepytimejesse make music that isn't fucking incredible? I doubt it! Great album, lovely cover art, everything is wow.


(44 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Seriously guys, if we were given the Vectrex or Pong in 1990, and had OUR reactions recorded, we would probably also seem like a group of privileged little assholes, because those consoles are BORING compared to what we had. Just saying.


(9 replies, posted in Releases)

Wow, this is too damn good!


(68 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Guyz, I google translated kplecraft's website, and misread that they plugged their saxophone and bongo into a GameBoy and play 8-bit horns. I play the trumpet and harmonica and NEED to know how they do it, so tell me, you knowlegable chiptunez guys, how should I do it? Don't even fucking think about telling me it's not possible, because I read the website and I KNOW I CAN DO IT! Just tell me HOW, kthnxbi.

Body Count and Bouncing Souls

Dude, nobody even knows who you are, you don't really introduce YOURSELF here, and you're like "okay, I need this and this from you guys, but I'm not actually going to do any research or travel too far, so you guys better do the legwork FOR ME". Many people know how to hack, and all of us have a pretty good idea of the "dangers" of the internet, we just don't use it as an excuse to be lazy. That is where the sarcasm comes from, and if you can't see that, and choose to respond with "stick to bleeps", then fuck you.

defPREMIUM wrote:

i  am thinking of starting an lsdj  .can i be in the movie? i can write down a beat when i by lsdj  but its $$$ could u buy me a copy so i can write down  a beat and be in the movie?? please list my artist name (like on the subtitles when i come on the screen) as Dj chiPTune (capital PT because my grandfather was named "Pete)"

Awww dude, if you have a intrenet i can just email u a "legit" copy, so long as don't sell it, okay? But you'll need internet and h4x0rz is scary.


(18 replies, posted in Collaborations)

I would LOVE to try my hand at this, but for the love of all things unholy, WHY is this on I think you have a pretty damn good voice, and having just vocals + guitar allows for a lot of extra shit to be added on top, which is dope for remixing. I'm down to do this, and I'm sure others will be too, but how to download the tracks to get remixing. Also, if you are serious about about having a remix album made, let people choose songs exclusively and set up a little roll-call on this thread, and please don't release the remix album on

You can make ANYTHING fit with chipsounds, MJP has even done flute and LSDJ, and it sounded fantastic! I think the big challenge comes in getting to know your gear REALLY well, and experimenting until it works. I read in your intro that you've only been Nanolooping for about a week, and I think you need a LOT more time to really get to know the software and it's sonic possibilities. Auxcide uses LSDJ and a bunch of synths (a lot of Minibrute) to great effect! Orloc/Coova uses Nanoloop pretty much exclusively and gets some sick sounds out of it, and if you are curious what Nanoloop and awholelotofothershit sound like together, go listen to one of the best chip albums ever. I think that Micro+Nano and some sort of drum machine would sound INCREDIBLE if done right! I am pretty keen to see what you come up with mate, good luck, and WELCOME to cm.o and the world of chipmusic!


(58 replies, posted in Collaborations)

I sent my second track, did you recieve it?


(39 replies, posted in Releases)

Da Chip Vol.2

Edit: How lazy are your people? I just checked, and it's still available for download at the OFFICIAL website!

How many questionable (source, not content) porn sites are you enjoying? From the looks of it your OS/browser is fucked smile If cm.o pulled shit like that, it would be a dead forum by now.