(19 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Just received the first track smile This thing is going to be fantastic!


(19 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Okay, I think we have a good collection of peeps together now smile Let's get this thing going! I have exams and some other obligations coming up, but I think I will be able to manage this.

Let's set the deadline for June 20. I think that gives everybody enough time to write something good. An then we can release it on the 24th, because there is NO OTHER date to do it.
I will accept ALL tracks submitted by the deadline, but it would be nice if you comment on this thread to at least let everybody know what you are basing your song on.
All submissions can be PMed via a dropbox or emailed to (myusername)@gmail.com

I will edit the first post a bit later and make a little roll-call, listing everybody and their proposed influences. It will remain open till deadline, so anybody can sign up at any time.

Good luck everybody.


(5 replies, posted in Collaborations)

I'll cover Moth-Eaten Deer Head. If anybody else wants to do another Locust track, go ahead. I'm going to fuck this up so horribly, lol!
This album is going to be so insane/beautiful. I'm just surprised nobody has claimed The Blood Brothers yet.


(5 replies, posted in Collaborations)

y u do dis?

I'll do something by The Locust!


(19 replies, posted in Collaborations)

tragicallyShoujo wrote:

Pretty down for this! Is this thread the best place to keep up with this or is there another posting for this etc etc

Welcome! Yes, this thread is the only place where this collab is happening. As soon as we have a few more people, I will update the first post with a preliminary list of contributing artists, as well as the deadline. Also, if anybody has ideas for a album title, please don't keep it to yourself smile


(226 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Precarious Panda wrote:
DeerPresident wrote:

Rules? Sampling from a song isn't that difficult. Give a SPECIFIC song and more or less WHERE in the song the sound is and I'll rip it for you. Fuckit, name a couple of songs and the sounds you'd like and I'll make a Scrill-eggs (for copyright reasons, obviously) sample pack. Sampling from a mostly sampled genre seems pretty pointless though, just my opinion.

I was thinking of the growls as I don't have ableton or FL or something that costs 2.3 million so I can use Massive or FM8 to make it. If I did have the money, I would buy said programs. Anyway I mostly talking about Scary Monsters and Scary Bolly Dub with the growls and drop on that.

I don't really understand what it is you are looking for... Most of us use Little GP Tracker (Piggy), which is FREE and uses .wav samples, which is why the thread is called "TRACKER FOOD". I don't know what the requirements are for the software you are talking about....


(19 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Yes, yes, YES!!! This is starting to pick up a little smile Quite excited to see what you guys come up with for this one, this should be interesting.
Everyone can PM me a link to their song, or email the file to (my username) at gmail.


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

This is beautiful! Thank you.


(19 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Lack of Sound wrote:

Is it too late to join the collaboration? If not, I'd like to do an 8bit underground inspired tune.

Get on it, man! Write your track and send it to me when you are done smile


(226 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Precarious Panda wrote:

I know this is against the rules, but does anyone have a Skrillex growl or similar sound, I really like that kind of sound.

Rules? Sampling from a song isn't that difficult. Give a SPECIFIC song and more or less WHERE in the song the sound is and I'll rip it for you. Fuckit, name a couple of songs and the sounds you'd like and I'll make a Scrill-eggs (for copyright reasons, obviously) sample pack. Sampling from a mostly sampled genre seems pretty pointless though, just my opinion.


(19 replies, posted in Collaborations)

iamowlsense wrote:

anyone have dibs on FC Demon yet?

It's YOURS!!! FC Demon will be a fun one smile Just send your track to me when you are finished with it, there is no rush really. Seeing as there isn't too much interest in this project it will probably be an EP or just a little split.


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You might need to disconnect the motor that drives the tapedeck and press down play to get it to work (sorry, forgot a step, i guess).
Basically it's a free STEREO practice amp, totally worth it!


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You want CHEAP? You want OG?
Step 1: Go find a boombox with a tape deck, possibly free anywhere in the world.
Step 2: Open it up and desolder the tapehead, and also the headphone jack.
Step 3: Connect the wires that used to be connected to the tapehead to the headphone jack.
Step 4: Close that shit up.

Plug your GB into the headphone jack, crank it up, and busk while some guy breakdances, forever!

defPREMIUM, sleepytimejesse, Alpine, SuperBustySamuraiMonkey and SketchMan3 for being true gentlemen.
All the guys who start fires and light fuses, you all know who you are smile
Honestly, pretty much everyone that I have dealt with has been stellar.


(8 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)

I had a CAANOO, but I dropped it and fucked up the screen sad I have seen some F200s and CAANOOs on eBay, but they are normally overpriced and MOST eBay sellers don't ship to Korea, so not really worth the hassle.
From what I have gathered VERY FEW of the F200 or F100 emulators work on this thing, BUT, it has firmware practically identical to the WIZ. In the video I linked earlier the menu screen looks EXACTLY like that of the WIZ, and it seems like the dude has a bunch of emulators on the SD card, along with the WIZ game he is demoing.
I know that piggy wasn't ported to the WIZ, but it the GP2X version should be usable via ginge.
I am going to Seoul 3 times in June. I will pick up one for myself the first chance I get, and then let everybody know if it is worth it, and also MAYBE take orders for a small amount of them.


(8 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)

From this video it looks like it can run software made for the WIZ.