(22 replies, posted in Releases)

defPREMIUM wrote:

btw, 1) who the fuck is jank the consumer his track is incredible

I would also like to know this! I have no idea who he is actually, he just sent me an email, said he is friends with one of you guys, and that he would like me to "consider" his song for submission. Needless to say my mind was as blown as yours are!
Everybody on this thing did a fantastic job though. Thank you all, again, for participating. This was fun and we should do it again sometime. wink


(22 replies, posted in Releases)

Happy Halloween!!!

The Stockwave Music Library proudly presents STOCKWAVE 002, the definitive FREE Halloween stock music compilation!

Featuring only the freshest, creepiest, spookiest, eeriest stockwave tracks ever produced!

Brand new songs from:
Team Manager
...and more!!!!

Spooky cover art by KeFF!!!

Be sure to download the album (and read the included text files wink), as there some fun, spooky, and epically corporate BONUS items!

Go on, loosen your neckties, tighten your nooses, and download the album here:



(107 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Just a few more hours, ladies and gents. smile


(107 replies, posted in Collaborations)

BLEO wrote:

Is this out yet? tongue

Hehe, I wish. I am still waiting for a few songs. I said I am taking submissions till midnight (U.S. time, I guess), and I will stick with that, so it will be released tomorrow, ON Halloween. It will be ready for all your office Halloween parties, I promise.


(1 replies, posted in Releases)

I enjoyed this song :3


(107 replies, posted in Collaborations)

defPREMIUM wrote:

do you think we should include this actual halloween stock music track from freepublicmusic.com?

Sure, why not. Using an existing stock Halloween track to make a stockwave Halloween track is VERY efficient, and meta!
//Insert obligatory "yo, dawg..." here.


(107 replies, posted in Collaborations)

You can send your tracks to me (deerpresident{bat}gmail{dot}com)
I'm so excited to release this album!


(50 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

At least you HAVE a cheap f-holed, 8-string mini jazz guitar! I have a shitty beater 3/4 guitar with 5 strings and a CGB sticking out of the soundhole (it ACTUALLY works, and I am now a one-man-chip-folk-punk band, thanks aviel). Seriously, though, mando's are the bomb! Are there any modplug/mandolin tracks in the pipeline? wink


(50 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

wailord, you are drunk. Guitars do NOT have f-holes or bracelets, please stay on topic tongue


(107 replies, posted in Collaborations)

so scare.


(23 replies, posted in Releases)

barbeque wrote:

p.s. im stoked this isn't your cup of tea.

I'm really enjoying this release, and simultaneously enjoying a cup of tea. True story.


(107 replies, posted in Collaborations)

sleepytimejesse wrote:

Could one submit two tracks?

Sure, as long as they are not sleepytimesjesse - part1 (22:30) and sleepytimesjesse - part2 (22:30), I don't see that it would be an issue for this release.
If it is like that, then I think stockwave has its 3rd release and you are amazing and have the most obscene work ethic known to man smile


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I think for your needs, the best would be to download MilkyTracker (http://www.milkytracker.org/) or FamiTracker (http://famitracker.com/), install it on your computer, do a bunch of tutorials, and take it from there. That way you can get started IMMEDIATELY, at no cost, learn fairly quickly, and have a HUGE community from which to draw inspiration/steal ideas.
I think if you dedicate 12 hours a day (that is A LOT, by the way), you should be turning your ideas into actual songs in a few days time.
That's my opinion, though, and somebody else probably has better suggestions.
Welcome to chipmusic, and best of luck with your project smile


(107 replies, posted in Collaborations)

I don't think we need to restrict ourselves THAT much, stockwave is already fairly restricted, so any length that you are comfortable with is okay.
If anybody wants to make a 0.10 sec stockwave/grindcore track, however, go ahead (and good luck), it will be used as intermission between relaxing tracks tongue
The only thing I would ask is that you don't go completely batshit overboard and compose a 45 minute soundscape or something ridiculous like that.


(107 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Alright everybody, one week left to get your tracks in. If anybody else wants to jump on board, NOW is the time to make your intentions known.

Wizard Master is amazing! Especially if you are running 3+ instances at the same time, at different tempos. I wonder if you can use several instances on the same computer to trigger numerous midi hardware devices...