(107 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Welcome to the team Team Manager and Hoodie.
Yes, Hoodie, the theme for this one is Halloween, so go nuts with it!
Of course we can have shout outs with this release, so if ANYBODY wants to give a shout out, just PM me with the details.


(107 replies, posted in Collaborations)

defPREMIUM wrote:

egr needs to get up on this

AGREED! Every project needs a Team Manager!


(107 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Halloween theme it is then! Also, if anybody can come up with a title better or even-slightly-less-corny than "Monsters of Stock", PLEASE share it!


(107 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Or it could be whatever background music to a .ppt presentation by any member of the Adams' Family would sound like. This might also make the compilation sound more focused and cohesive. If enough people like the idea, then I will make it official later today.


(107 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Just so that everybody knows, you don't HAVE TO use LGPT to create your track, any sample based music creation software will do the trick: openMPT, Renoise, even Audacity (exclusively) if you are that brave.
Seeing as this album will be released on Halloween, how do you guys feel about shifting the theme to something spookier? Maybe call it Monsters of Stock?
PLEASE feel free to share any questions, suggestions or ideas.


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

But I am not a canada ;(


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

Nice! I also really like how all your albums are tagged "Canada".


(107 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Welcome to the team Booga!
I am going to try to persuade dreamstock.com to submit something for this one.
ClairBear, you seemed quite excited for more stockwave material to be released, so would you like to contribute?
Also, should anybody want to do some collaborative songs on this album, let it be known.


(107 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Off to a great start! Thanks guys. Time to suit up gents and ladies, this one's gonna be brilliant.

If anybody is down for doing cover art, PLEASE let me know.


(107 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Alright, before we start, if you don't really know what stockwave is, head over here, http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/11503 … he-genre/, and then go download STOCKWAVE 001 here http://stockwavemusic.bandcamp.com/album/stockwave-001 and listen until you fall in love.

It has been quite a few months since the first release, so I figured it's time we get together and do another stockwave compilation album.
I would like to get as many people as possible on board for this album, and get the best possible quality tracks, so let's make the deadline for submissions on October 30th, for a possible Halloween release.

Seeing as will be a Halloween release, that will also be the theme, so try to make it eerie, spooky or scary, while STILL keeping it awkwardly relaxing, inoffensive and safe for mass consumption smile (So, Saturday morning cartoon scary, NOT "I will never sleep again" scary)
I will take as many submissions as you guys can throw at me, and, if any graphic or video artists want to contribute, please contact me. Let's make this release as boardroom-epic as possible!

*Awesome cover art done by KeFF!*

The rules for submission are as follows:
1) MOST sampled sounds used must come from http://freepublicmusic.com. (simply because uniformity is totally stockwave)
2) Samples may be altered as much as desired.
3) One or two additional samples (not from freepublicmusic), may be used SPARINGLY.
4) Songs must be submitted in .wav format by midnight October 30th.

Team Manager

If you intend to contribute, PM me, or post below.


(42 replies, posted in Releases)

I'm on it! Keep your eyes peeled.


(42 replies, posted in Releases)

Can we please please PLEASE have this happen?? I need more mid-volume, mid-tempo awkwardly relaxing and excitingly plain music in my playlist. I don't want to be team leader or project manager or anything, I'm just an ambitious intern ready to do this again.

P.S. I'm NOT sorry for necro-bumping or posting on a weekend, so don't bother mentioning it.


(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

SketchMan3 is correct, I was mistaking the OBVIOUSLY difficult kazoo for the UNDENIABLY EASY trumpet. My apologies brother. tongue
Use whatever you have at your disposal, there are chiptune programs for almost anything, even calculators!


(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I think a VERY good place to start is LittleGPTracker. http://littlegptracker.com/
It runs on several platforms (PC, PSP, Caanoo, Dingoo, etc.), it's free, it's sample based (endless sound possibilities), and the interface is VERY similar to LSDJ.
Download it, head over to the LITTLEGPTRACKER forums on this site, and HAVE FUN.
First learn how to write passable music, get criticized by some bitter assholes, get over the butthurt, and ONLY THEN make serious monetary investments if you are still into it.
Too many people hear one chip song, buy the most kitted-out, shiny, custom GameBoys and $100 flashcarts, and then lose interest in a few months time, because like any other instrument (except kazoo), it takes time and lots of practice to get good.


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I have a plotter back home (in South Africa), and I LOVE it. Unfortunately I'm back to using X-acto knives and box cutters until I go back, next year sad


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)
