(22 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Yeah, chepe!, it looks good. We have a deal! I will PM my details to you later.
Unfortunately I can't get ANY type of flashcart here in Korea, I will have to import from the States or Europe.
I can get my hands on a lot of multicarts and pirate/hacked-rom carts though, for GB and GBA, of varying quality, and for varying prices, and I'm willing to sell or trade for other games, consoles or flashcarts. I can even get bootleg Famicom consoles and games, but I'm not sure if anybody would be interested in it.
The only reason I'm trading/selling these is because I know that these things aren't easy to get hold of in other countries and that there HAS to be people who are as fascinated by the illegal side of retro gaming as I am.
If anybody has any requests for bootleg gaming stuff, I MIGHT look into it...


(22 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I'll take the pocket for the gba cart, P.M. me with some more details, pics maybe, and we can work something out.


(22 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Photos added. If anybody wants to give me money for these carts, PM me and maybe we can work something out.


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It takes a REAL man to rock that GB with confidence!


(22 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Well, I suppose selling would be alright, but how do I do it? Like I said, I don't have PayPal, and I'm not going to just share my banking details. And anyway, I have no idea what to charge, what are they worth? I don't really want to profit, but I'm also not running a charity.
I don't know, P.M. me with offers, I guess.


(22 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Okay, I know a lot of you guys like these wacky colored carts, and I happened to stumble across two more!
The first one in the pic is an original white Japanese Tamagotchi cart, and it's in pretty good condition.
The second one is another tennisball color neon yellow-green thing, and it is a bootleg of the Japanese Tamagotchi 2. The text on the plastic says "GAME", and not "Nintendo GAME BOY" like regular carts.

Would prefer to do trades, as I don't care for money, but if you REALLY need to pay, we can discuss. I am interested in flashcarts, English Pokemon GameBoy games, GameBoy cameras, DMG's or modding gear like backlights and aftermarket buttons. IDK, let me know what you got, and we can work something out.

Sorry for the shitty photo, it's night time now. If you want clearer/better pics, I will post tomorrow.


(59 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Thanks VERY much to SuperBustySamuraiMonkey for taking the time to share those instruments, they will definitely come in very handy in my persuit for the true necro chip sound.
Volt44, I would like to try my hand at some vocals for your track. Do you have lyrics? PM me with the details...
And finally, and this is (of course) COMPLETELY hypothetical, if some sort of black metal tribute compilation had to happen, which songs would you guys like to cover?


(59 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I couldn't agree more, black metal should sound "ghetto as fuck". I much prefer the grimy, gritty, unpolished sound of early Darkthrone or 1349, and would like to get a similar sound for my music, I guess I'll just have to experiment until I get it right, maybe record all the channels from the GB one by one, into a tape deck and then layer vocals on top.
That Murmuure album is the shit, I love the one man approach, very eerie and interestingly layered, especially enjoyed Reincarnate.


(59 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I am by no means an expert on recording and effects, so Downstate is probably correct and Vileplume's vocals are heavily processed.
I just know that if I had to record vocals I would very likely just use headphones or a harmonica mic (seems stupid but sounds great) and record to cassette first, no EQ, no effects, but that's just me. I also love the "lo-fi" stuff and don't really care too much for creating certain effects after the music has been recorded.


(59 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Originally, no effects were used on black metal vocals, just shitty recording equipment. Another big factor is what style of vocals you CAN do. Listen to Chthonic, Immortal, Abruptum and Burzum to hear a fairly wide range of vocal styles. Vileplume is just lucky that he can produce those sounds. Other than cheap equipment and vocal practice, I think a little bit of EQ and SUBTLE distortion might help. Stay away from vocal effects as it might end up sounding a bit cheesy. Just my opinions though.


(59 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Wowholyshit, those vileplume songs are pretty much EXACTLY what I'd like to do, nothing cute or catchy. How to do it? Like I've previously said, I'm pretty new at this, and I'm looking for advice and inspiration.
A Burzum compilation, or just a random black/extreme metal compilation would be pretty sweet. Any netlabel guys wanna do it?


(59 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

If you can transcribe the instruments and tables for any of the sounds you use that would be AMASING! I am obviously very new to this, and need to learn as much as possible. Thanks to everybody for helping me out with this.


(59 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Actually, SuperBustySamuraiMonkey, I would say you are one of my main influences in doing this, I listen to your musics way more than I should. You are probably the closest thing to black metal (sound wise), that I've found so far. I don't own a guitar, and that's a VERY good thing 'cause I am horrible at guitar. I think my vocals will be okay, though, as I can go gravelly and King Diamond-esque falsetto.
Do you think there is any chance that you can send me a sav of any of your songs? (I promise I won't misuse it in any way, I just want to learn)


(59 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I would tune as low as B#, but the machine head on my GB exploded the last time I tried, I'll keep in mind what you guys suggested and try to not kill my ears in the process.


(59 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The drum track on that Danimal Cannon tune is exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for.
Is it done with sampled kits or is it all noise snares/hihats and pulse kicks (I can't really tell)?


(59 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

No offense to Mr DragonEyes, but his tunes seem to be a bit of a parody, poppy hooks and very catchy/happy melodies are exactly the kind of thing I'm trying to avoid.