enso wrote:

Ditherphine ftw!

Dolphins are cool

Jellica to this thread, stat.

Very yessssss. Downloading!

Dolphins... the new Unicorns in chiptune artist names?

And clearly the correct music would have been EAT_RABBIT


(164 replies, posted in General Discussion)

(watching an assembly discussion group after the executable music compo)
[23:55]    <Dauragon> god damn
[23:55]    <Dauragon> im a nerd
[23:55]    <Dauragon> and i want to like
[23:56]    <Dauragon> stuff these dudes into lockers


(164 replies, posted in General Discussion)

(double post)


(112 replies, posted in General Discussion)

George wrote:

I have a passion for made up languages.

I can relate to that, but I haven't gone anywhere beyond trying to make one when I was 12 and a few evenings of browsing the web late. Iţkuîl probably takes my top place for being incredibly useful but totally impractical.

Jellica wrote:

oh and George R. R. Martin has pretty much single handedly stoped me making music over the past two months with the Song of Ice and Fire series.

Ah, welcome to the club of the weary waiting people. GRRM takes his fucking time to continue. sad


(112 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Bit Shifter wrote:


Recently I've also developed a rather unhealthy addiction to yuri anime *hides*


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

What's to think about it? I think that's how it's supposed to work. I pay for a product, it's mine. At least I should have the option to decide if I want to buy or rent it. If your question was about quality differences, I can't really answer that. I've got a personality prone to addiction, so I try to stay away from mmos. Also, most mmos tend to be "RPGs", which I avoid like the plague because somewhere in time some dolt who put the concept on computers decided that the defining parts of role playing are grind, number crunching, items and spells.


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Haha yeah, he comes around very much like the anti-christ in that summary. It was just a matter of time though until the gaming biz caught on. Having grown up with cheap games you actually owned after you bought them (and not just purchased a license to use them), I already thought the idea of having to pay continously for a game (MMORPGs) was perverse.

The amount of control companies exercise over their products these days is insane. My favourite comparison is what would have happened if books were a recently invented medium:

- You purchase the right to read the book, but it is still owned by the publisher. They can take the book from you anytime they like

- You only get half the book. If you want to read, call the publisher, and they'll lend you the missing pages for your reading session. The publisher can stop this service if they think it has been long enough, and your book will be incomplete forever if they do.

- Only you are allowed to read the book. If you lend it to someone, copy pages or make notes from it, you're criminal scum

- You're only allowed to read your book in one room. Send a picture of your room to the publisher. If you change your furniture, be sure to send an update, because you won't be able to read your book anymore. By grace of the publisher you can do this three times, but then you have to call them and explain why you change your room so often.

- The publisher reserves the right to deny you to read if they see certain other books in your shelf they don't like.

- Oh, and please provide your full name and address to the publisher.



(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm playing EU. I just played through the single player campaign, which is pretty cool (if you liked SC1, you'll like it). BNet 2.0 is a major disappointment. If you have time for a long read, check this link:
http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmes … id=128252#


(46 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Good sir, we were discussing the finer things in life!
Any of the gents for a round of Bridge?


(46 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I say, a double post. How did this happen?


(46 replies, posted in General Discussion)

That's ok, scotch is an acquired taste. We'll teach you.