(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nice find!


(122 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

The tuning issues could be related to the hardware of the nes dying.


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

im working on downgrading mine right now. gonna do the nand mod once i get it to have 4.2. i will test a bunch of stuff on it. sure wish i could figure out how to run staplehax.


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

im working on downgrading mine right now. gonna do the nand mod once i get it to have 4.2. i will test a bunch of stuff on it. sure wish i could figure out how to run staplehax.


(325 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

maybe you guys were too mean to him?

I dont have the same experience taking my gameboy out in the canoe as i do with a classical guitar. when there are no guitar tabs, then is when ones own style comes out. what do you automatically play that you made up?

I will be frequenting that wiki. Thanks.

i start making a program, and its different than the guy im learning from in youtube. when starting a new project, it shows no workspace in the little manager window off to the left. ideas? update. this guy is running version 10.05. im just going to keep going with this anyways. not having a workspace is stopping me from running anything.

i will get started then. thank you to everyone.

so there is only one compiler (gnu gcc) that works in code blocks? what if i need more than that? is that compiler just c? there is a long drop down list. which one would be c?

I am trying the virtual machine, but ubuntu gives me an empty desktop. While i reinstall the iso i will try code blocks. update.twice i have installed ubuntu in virtualbox. my desktop is empty. so i am scrapping the idea of using virtual box. looks like code blocks is where its at.

Fine. I will start with c. I got a very dated book "the c programming language 2nd ed." by kernighan and ritche along with the c answer book some time ago, but couldn't get any compiler to work. what is it with newer versions of windows dos? how would i make my dos run commands like an old pc? would i have better luck on a windows me computer? point me to some software that would allow me to do the stuff in this book!
update: i am setting up virtual box with ubuntu linux inside it. that c the hard way wants me to use linux or osx.

is smea's picasso sdl? it says its c++. also, the manual that came with nihstro says it's c++. couldnt i just dive right in and ask all of you lads a lot of questions? seeing as how this will become another tool to make music with... it would be like a think tank, for me.
I am currently out of work, so i have a ton of time on my hands.

when i see people talking about c++ is that the same as c##? im a bit confused. is c+ the same as c#?  so sdl is free i just cant say i wrote it? and i keep my fortune i make off programming someday? that sounds too good to be true almost.

the only experience i have is a ton of frustration trying to run hello world on a dmg.

the 3ds homebrew scene is calling out to me. what do i need to learn? i want a tracker that has good sub bass.