(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)


Having same problem. we need to find the right wood kernel. If this is a cpu problem i will find out soon, as i will be doing a mod on the clock crystal once i get the chip

Just stick to it. do not limit yourself to just lsdj. Try recording yourself making beats with gb electric drum, then drag lsdj back on to your cart and compose something that fits to your natural rhythm. sludgeon 2 is fun also. nanoloop and nanovoice are neat once you figure out how to sync stuff it is really cool. be sure to learn to sync things by ear for awhile before you let a silicon chip do it for you. LOOK UP BEAT MATCHING. stay away from music theory. set everything 15 cents sharp for better resonance.

I have an awesome idea. everybody who makes chiptunes move to the same town! we will overwhelm the locals, take thier jobs, wives, and book nothing but chipfests...


(37 replies, posted in Audio Production)

sandneil wrote:

nice idea although i cant remember how any of my beats go

put in what you remember and question marks for what parts you forgot. maybe there are others who can fill in the blanks.

I have done this without removal of the black strip. just a short blast of heat and an eraser held firmly while blowing to cool it down fast.


(37 replies, posted in Audio Production)



(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(84 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I tried reading the numbers, but my 36 year old eyeballs fail me.


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

there are many different variations. that is what i am mining people's brains for... variations. i have found no resource like this compiled anywhere else.


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i dunno how to bump


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

3 people responded


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ … sp=sharing
Any styles of music you know, please enter them in. dont edit other people's entries.


(13 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Queen James. look it up.


(20 replies, posted in Trading Post)

SketchMan3 wrote:

If you can change your feedback to positive couldn't you change it back to negative after you get your refund?

No. at least i dont know how. well there was no button to do so...