(33 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Zazi. sorry i hijacked your thread, dude.


(5 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

do it. but be fucking careful.


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Yes I think that is the one that I ordered! I only want to piggyback it. could that still work?


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

250MA DD0505MD DC 3.3V 3.7V 4.2V To DC 5V Converter Boost Step Up Power Module. and.... 6760761: 1 LTC PCB @ 5.50 (circuitbenders.uk)
Item# 6760761


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

So I got a really small 300k pot and a step up converter. Please feed me some ideas. How would I wire up the interrupt switch? Does a trim resistor necessarily have to be small, or can I make it up using a 100k? I have lots of random value resistors from scaving when I used to circuit bend stuff. Do I have to join some kind of secret society to unlock hidden answers? Come on guys.


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

@ Jazzmarazz What size pot?
@ Analylogiq What size pots, What size resistor? Please explain this "theramin mode" it sounds cool.


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Has anyone had experience installing this mod? I was thinking of using the same point for the +5v on my backlight. Is this possible? I don't suppose there is room enough in the case for a potentiometer? If anyone has input about this, it would be appreciated!


(36 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

For the price tag, I really hope there is an internal arduino. I would buy a couple of those. Would there be space?

asking people for free intellectual property is the worst form of being an ass.


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

https://www.ebay.com/itm/Drag-N-Derp-Fl … 539?_ul=BR

Try doing the circle of fifths progression!


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)



(58 replies, posted in Trading Post)

nl mono if you come down to 40 and ship to us of course i would pay the shipping

Its only meant to have 2 or 3 volts going to it.

it wouldnt make sense that the starting point would be by the batteries. it would need to be after a capacitor.

the 12v adapter should be ok with that regulator.
have a look at this.
http://nintendoage.com/forum/messagevie … did=122549
A worker at a video game shop told me you need to have a rechargable battery pack in order for the gbc ac adapter to work, but he did not say if the ac adapter would power it while you play it. I am actually thinking what you are trying to do will not be possible without you figuring out where the +5v starts. I dont think just any +5v point will work because dc does not work that way. so dont just google it. people frontlighting gbcs wont be using the point you need. Im afraid i have too many mods in my gbc to open it up and look around. I cant be much more help than that. probably mostly bs anyways.