are you planning to use an ac/dc converter of some sort?


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Beware wrote:

Is there a reason this is more expensive than buying one brand new from Oliver?  They are still in stock.

Money is awesome.


(4 replies, posted in Sega)

I thought atgames already did a retro throwback console.

I'm bending a casio mt-68 to mute snare  or any other part of the rhythm. what you have is more modern. Power starving digital circuits can damage memory.  That I learned the hard way.


(329 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Oliver, I managed to get a nanovoice cart. Will that sync with mono?

Yamaha djx 2b. if only i had known to stop with the bends i had.

Flux is not necessary, just ensures that the solder goes where you want it. And stays. put it on with a toothpick if it is single little points. a dab of molten solder should be  about the size of a bb. also look up what tinning means.

that is correct.

If you are going to solder to a ribbon cable you better have done it before. those are tricky because they will melt. Flux paste is a must. you will not be using part of the cable shown in the ebay picture. and I found an ags 001 on ebay for only $20

Have you tried freezing your battery (remove it from the unit) for a few days? if not do so. It breaks some of the crystal matrix.

you cant have 110.

look at you all. on your knees. for free.

I regret the year of missed classes.

I got kicked out of aikido for coming back with a tattoo. a dragon no less.

if you can find bacon doritos, please try them.


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Go to a location like a pawn shop where you can test it. Some game stores might have a return policy.