I feel like I've explained this at some point before.. but fuck it.
I was walking around the local 'Folklife' festival with a couple of friends. Amidst the few thousand hippies, gypsies, and other varieties of homeless people, I find my attention drawn towards a circle of skinny kids with cool hair and tight pants, all nodding their heads in unison. Curious as to why their heads were bobbing, I decided to investigate.
It was here that I came into contact with chipz for the first time, as their was some serious LSDJ busking going down in the center of this very hip circle. I stuck around for a good hour or two and got to watch Fighter X, Sabrepulse, Electric Chidren (then known as Circles), McFiredrill, and Ovenrake throw down a series of some of the most unique and energetic songs I'd heard in my entire life... asked a couple of people what was going on and they told me to go the free 8-bit showcase the festival was holding the next day if I wanted to get a better idea.
The next morning came, and I ventured back into the heart of the hippyfest. Unsure of exactly what I was getting into, I tentatively made my way into the venue. The nervousness quickly turned to excitement as I watched Fighter X fist pump the shit out of his set. Trash80 takes the stage, my excitement builds. I couldn't believe the sounds I was hearing.. it was unreal. Finally, Sabrepulse starts playing. It wasn't more than 10 minutes into his set that I knew I loved chipmusic, and that I wanted to do exactly what was going on before my very ears and eyes.
The rest is history..