Pretty sweet. Loving this, man. I like that spectrum analyzer. What is/where can I get 2? I have a small portable one.
I could not tell you man.. I just make teh beatz
haha that belongs to the man, the myth, the legend: Seattle Andrew. He's our go-to visuals man, and he's the shit at it. The spectrum analyzer is actually the "mouth" on his awesome robot head which has the scrolling LED where the eyes would go! He's not wearing it in this portion of the video, though.
Flower for the ps3 has the kind of generative music based off of player/environment interaction that i think you're explaining, minus the ability to create new sounds. That'd be a pretty cool feature, i suppose.
Me and 199x are really the only ones who make music. We used to have a guy that went by saffron city but he moved to Portland and quite making 8bit... He was quite good.
Chicago suburbs. I walk around the neighborhoods that i wish i could have grown up in and when my legs need a break i bust a gatorade sit on the curb and bust out my gameboy