(13 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

You won't be able to harvest from an old cart cause these are all going to be mask roms. Which are not erasable/programable and will likely have a different pinout. (I know for NES this is true, but I'm not as savvy in the way of c64 repro carts, so grains of salt should be taken)


(13 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

It certainly seems that way. Though getting the flasher, the uv eraser, the eproms and that board would all cost more that just getting the AtariAge production.


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

3 dollars shipped.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-16-Bit-Cont … 3393bcfbe4


(32 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

I was a fund supporter and I got mine in a while ago, but to be honest I have not fired it up yet.

I plan to finally check out SID Wizard and MIDI capable Cynthcart will be fun!


(10 replies, posted in Sega)

Oh wow! I only ever seen the Sammich SID. Thanks for the link


(10 replies, posted in Sega)

That is freaking coooool! Like Sammich for FM!


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Classic.... "I have a DSLR so my photos must look really professional, right?"

These photographs have average to bad lighting and aren't even white balanced correctly. As a wanna-be product photographer, I am unimpressed.

Subject matter is a whole different animal that I won't go into...

Also inb4 'April Fools'

Yes it can be done on both MidiNES and Fami....

By loading in values to $4011 you can slightly affect the triangles volume. It will only dip to about 50% but it's still there to use.

Heres some audio I made for a demonstration: https://app.box.com/s/ccrfrww92fai4dreadwi4g2wh4pfq3ln

I just wrote in the max value of $FF and the minimum of $00 for a sort of side chain effect.

For any MML users:
It would be written out like

E y$4011,$FF c8 y$4011,$00 w8 y$4011,$FF w8 y$4011,$00 w8

(c8 and w8 are my kick and wait commands)

sugar sk*-*lls wrote:

plus volume control for the triangle channel would be sweeet.

TylerBarnes wrote:

You can even write to $4011 directly.

can you load it from the naitive lsdj file manager?

Also if your save is called "SRAM.sav" I'm assuming you just need to rename it to whatever your .rom file is named

Yeah, I agree MidiNES is very powerful if you take the time to automate your CC. You can even write to $4011 directly. Also you can get broken chords to run at any speed you want if you use a free flowing midi arp like the one in ableton, rather than being constrained to the usual intervals like
@EN1 {0 | 4 3 -7} or {0 0 | 4 0 3 0 -7 0}

If the MidiNES didn't do it for you, the Chip maestro will seriously have you underwhelmed.

There has to be a .sid player available. maybe not a super acurate one with both 8580 and 6581 but hey I'm pretty sure I've seen an embeded sid player somewhere


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Kalle-ftw wrote:

I like these, metalcore though:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZddSExJiJA (actually made by the band itself and comes on the album)

Ugh..... GXSCC for days hmm

I need an escape rope.

Wow, that is an epic bend!


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Woah! 'Nucleation of a Child Universe' is blowing my mind with its 5/8 and 7/8 sections! Love it!