(15 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I was aiming my feelings towards the manufacturer of the Kenetik Products.
I expressed I wasn't blaming you for the price man. Also I don't get your point about the Euro/Dollar. The dollar is worth less then the Euro.

At any rate those Jomox Resonators are some crazy cool machines. It blew my mind the first one I saw.


(15 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Wow those are expensive for no reason. (not you, I mean originally)

That jekyll hyde thing is likely just a logic gate synth made from a single 40106 and some diode syncing. Could be wrong but I doubt it would be anything more than simple gate logic in there. And damn that passive mixer is just a box, some pots and routing wires, c'mon.

Sorry for the flac on your thread, I'm just a bit upset at this.


(20 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

I would assume that prophet can format your card through whatever sd2iec you get. There are some really good ones out there these days. Some are internal installations and some are their own unit.


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Ooga booga!


(48 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

That is gorgeous!

I've made a noise kick, snare, pre-snare, and highhat on my ghost channel songfile (availible for download). You are free to use those if you wish. They'll at least give you another example to work off of.

I havn't tried Mrwimmer's example yet. I hope to try them once I can access my gameboy at home.

ForaBrokenEarth wrote:

2 years? Jesus. It's a shame that in the end this all went the way of the Midines.

Not quite. The main difference being that he didn't leave the ability to purchase an imaginary cartridge open and continue to accept money, like wafar did. He closed pre orders once he felt he couldn't keep up.


(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Sweeet! Firing up mah MML!


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Sounds like mains hum. Also turning off the tv will not really be sufficient. In my experiences, you must unplug it. I'd also double check it's not your recording machine. I've once had a PC that had some grounding issues and caused hum in my recordings when using certain 1/8" mic inputs.

Furthermore, if you end up splitting the audio I can tell you that the inherent background hiss of the NES seems to only be present on the Tri/Noise/DPCM channel. This hiss is the one that changes in regard to what the PPU is displaying on screen. So if you mainly are using the pulse channels I'd reccomend adding some ac coupled and diode protected 1/4" outputs and just use the pulse outs (or low-gain's mod) This will also allow you to bypass the old audio mixer and amp inside the RF box. This is right next to the power supply and I prolly don't have to tell you this is a bad combo for trying to get a clean signal.

If you ever feel the need to replace caps, I'd start with the power supply filter caps. and possibly any in the audio path. Though, I believe that metal can is difficult to get into and work on these parts.


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

Came here thinking it was a 2A03 tune, but quickly realizes that is your name! haha.

This tune gets so groovy at 1:21


(10 replies, posted in Sega)

haha, yeah, I can't imagine trying to make FM music with mml. too complex for my blood. mml is more fun when its simpler chips like the NES and Sega Master system in my opinion.


(10 replies, posted in Sega)

I've run into this issue before as well. The pulse width macro for the C64 only allows 0-15, and in MSSIAH, it is 0-31


(53 replies, posted in Releases)

Would there actually an an interest in Zelda carts though? I mean I now have 25 nrom carts ready and waiting for a project. I will make it if theres interest. I have 7 songs finished in the nsf format and about 5 more inside ableton waiting me to transcribe into mml. It will depend on how many I can make memory efficient enough to all fit inside the 32k allotted.

My current nsf track list is:

Midna's Lament
Song of Storms
Deku Tree
Dragon Roost Island (in the works)
Great Fairy Fountain
Lost Woods
Kikori Forest

And my tracks pending trancribing are:
Kaepora Gaebora's Theme
Oath to Order
Tal-Tal Hights
Minish Village
Majora's Mask Title Theme


(53 replies, posted in Releases)

Thank you. It was the right thing to do.

Yes. That's my plan. I actually had a Zelda compilation in mind after the nyan cart, but I'd likely get the same reaction right? (I actually have several nsf covers of n64 zelda songs done.)

At least I was wise enough to leave all my NROM board unassembled, so I can utilize the remainder for a future project.

So I will continue on my cart EP. Should have enough memory for about 4 or 5 tunes. I could possibly get something like 7-8 if I refrain from using the noise channel to make my drums all Hi-Fi sounding, as I did in my nyan.nsf


(53 replies, posted in Releases)

Cool! I didn't know he had a CD! I definitely want one.

And thank you chunter, for the consideration.


(53 replies, posted in Releases)

Had a chat with Chris Torres. He said despite his thoughts about my project he can't allow his graphic to be used for commercial purposes by anyone. I respectfully obliged and removed the ability to purchase one.

Just going to upload the nsf here for all who still like a bit of nyan in their ears.