(53 replies, posted in Releases)

Currently writing an email to Christopher Torres' Facebook. He lives in Dallas too so maybe we can talk about it over coffee or somthin'.


(53 replies, posted in Releases)

AdamGetsAwesome wrote:
nitro2k01 wrote:

The difference is that the Nyancat song is so widely used it can be considered a part of the Internet's "cultural canon". It has gone so far that no one could police the use of the song, even if they wanted to.
What people usually react negatively to in this scene, is when a douchebag artist takes some lesser known chipmusic song and samples it without attribution and hopes that no one will notice it. Apples and oranges.

Most people aren't trying to make money off of this and there have been lawsuits for use of nyancat. Copyright infringement is copyright infringement regardless of "cultural canon."

Anyway this guy is trying to make money off of a copyrighted character and hoping nobody notices. How is this apples and oranges?

I was unaware this meme was copyrighted. But thanks for painting an unrealistic picture about my character. 

But now that you bring it to my attention, this is a cover tune. Isn't there like a mechanical license I can obtain for this?


(53 replies, posted in Releases)

egr wrote:
stargazer wrote:

Not sure if serious....
You don't have to push the cart down. My NES works better without pushing it down.

I've never seen an nes that would boot a cart without pushing it down.  You just get the flashing orange screen.

Yeah, That NES I own has the opposite problem. It will flash blue if I DO push the cart down.

So, an update on my progress. I've found that ppmck puts all samples into bank 2 and I don't no if theres even a way to force it not to do that. since all my song data is in bank 0, it leaves a bank in between the 2 that is completely blank. I say this cause when trying to add 14 frames of NAM animation my current NSF doesn't allow practically any memory left.

I get 32k total for everything cause I use NROM boards. My song data is 5235 bytes. My samples are 2129 bytes but stuck in bank 2. So since my NSF is 3 banks total that makes it 24k. My 14 frames of animation is 14k. That is way over the limit even without the 2k or so amount of sound driver and code I need.

So Unless anyone can tell me if and how to make ppmck merge my banks into one or even just move bank 2 to 1, I am all ears.

That being said, I'm sorry this release didn't meet many of your high expectations. But There are alot of difficult challenges preventing all these things.

I stress again... I'm a musician, I make music. If you want a cart, I think it's at an acceptable price for what it is now. I'm still proud of the work I accomplished to make this, despite all the negativity.  Thank you to those of you that are encouraging and thank you to those just attempting to help.


(53 replies, posted in Releases)

So I've taken what you've guys said to heart and I've lowered the price down to a more realistic value (which is now relected on the nyancart website) And am now in the process of talking with a member of nesdev forums to maybe help me get my nam tables animated. That is still pending, though. So hopefully that pans out.


(53 replies, posted in Releases)

Thank you for the encouragement.
I've desoldered enough NROMs and bought enough labels to produce 25 of these carts. though I don't burn the EPROMs or assemble the carts till I've sold it. So, it's ok if I don't sell as many as expected. I'll be using the remainder for a different cart release. (lol I can already hear you. That one will be full length I assure you)


(53 replies, posted in Releases)

Thank you...
I've definitely come across that demo before.

And I'm happy to take all advice. All of which so far has been "we want this instead". Which again, thats fine, I'm just attempting to communicate the actual issues with providing you with those things.

I don't make code (very well), I make music. I didn't want a nyan cat cart that sounded like a tigergames console, so I buckled down to make a quality nsf. I wanted to share that creation in a fun and novel format with anyone who also felt the same.

I'm grateful for all the feedback, really.


(53 replies, posted in Releases)

no. my entire chr rom is blank apart from 4 completely filled values representing the 4 possible color pallets.

Take a look at my CHR. I only use 4 locations and draw the image at the nam level.
The problem lays in the color and pallet limitation of the NES

There are many rules the NES will force upon you regarding number of colors and regions of colors.
For instance the background color must be present in the first slot of all 4 of your pallets. Only 1 color pallet (4 colors total) may be used per 8x8 square of CHR. In the NAM table clusters of 2x2 must all use the same color pallet (this is why you see a pink pixel inside the cat's face) I actually used a sprite to cover that up in the final rom

This all means I get 13 colors total on screen allowed amongst all these various rules to work around. It's a bit depressing to here such rejection when I've worked very hard to produce this to the best of my ability on my own. Sure, I get the price is too much. But essentially hearing that without all these animation and unrealisting color criteria that my work is completely undesired and worthless. My main efforts was the music, and I added the graphic to the best of my abilities.

Again, if you have a suggestion on a more realistic price point, I am happy to oblige. I'll work on getting the nam tables to animate, but seriously guys, the rainbow is a far tougher fix than you think it is.


(53 replies, posted in Releases)

Yeah I used up my entire background pallet up on the cat and poptart. I don't know how to use more pallets simultaneously. or how to animate nam tables


(53 replies, posted in Releases)

Difinitely not a ploy. Forgive me if it looks like that on the surface. I'm just ignorant I suppose hmm

Now, my initial intention was to merely find an existing NES cover that would play natively on the NES, but sadly I was unable to find a quality rendition that would also play on real hardware. I then made it a goal to make one myself. Then figured more people might want one too, hence the cart release.

Teletime and vegavox were $50+ and BitPuritans is prolly a special case cause they rolled their own circuit boards.

And yeah, 6502 assembly code is pretty damn tough. I fall really short in that regard. Some major tricks would have to be pulled out in order to get more colors and animation to be displayed on screen, especially using Mapper 0


(53 replies, posted in Releases)

The entire cost is from actually producing the carts. The number of songs has no bearing on the how much I pay and work that goes into producing a physical cart.

Also what would you recommend as a fair price? I've never released a cart before and if you have any tips I'm open for suggestions.


(53 replies, posted in Releases)



(53 replies, posted in Releases)

Greetings fellow chip aficionados. I'm here with an announcement.

I have programmed the well known and catchy tune known as "Nyan Cat" using ppmck, and I've created an NES rom that will play from a physical NES cartridge.

Which brings me to my feature. If anyone is interested in a truly native NyanCat NES Cartridge please visit www.nyancart.com to view the demo and purchase a cartridge.


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

Refreshing to hear someone actually dropping in their own custom midi into that software. Not a fan of the polyphony it allows, I'd rather be listening to an arp chord then to something like 4 channels playing one chord together. But thats just my preference. I'm diggin' your style.


(24 replies, posted in Releases)

Shit gets real at 2:14 of City Of Mediocrity. Nasty AF!

I'm sad for no triangle sad

But seriously that was a fun cover! I was boogying throughout the whole tune.

These are awesome!!