(336 replies, posted in Sega)

This would be killer on a Nomad. Great work so far! Can't wait for this to continue.


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I hope when you say "wired to the NES" you aren't planning on connecting the power directly to the NES' power rails. The PSOne LCD requires something between 7.5 - 9v at like 3amps in order to power up.


(14 replies, posted in Releases)

So were these all hardware rendered? If so I'm interested in the overclocking. Is this handed all inside the NSF or even the player code? (maybe FamiTracker takes care of it for you?)

Either way, I've always really enjoyed your music. This new release makes me smile from ear to ear. Thank you!


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

TFT monitors are cheaper and more convenient. at least for me. I got a 7" one that I use with my c64 and my NES. Has 2 composite inputs that I can switch between so I don't even have to unplug the consoles each time. The 3.5" ones also should have 2 AV inputs.


(48 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Awesome! looking good RJL! I was glad to be some help. Good luck with your SID endeavors!

You are correct yogi. Wafar is still selling midines on eBay under the user name "sykdeity" for $200 a pop. There is no question it's him cause these are all the region free 1.1.1 carts. He dropped off the planet quite a while before those became a reality. Also a dead giveaway is looking at the completed listings section all his midines auctions have the same thumbnail and he's sold hundreds, implying he has a steady limitless supply of them.


(31 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Theta_Frost wrote:

Why not just play back NSF's with a Powerpak or similar?

I imagine if they had nsfs that's what they'd do. From what I gather they have sequenced midi in something ableton and are feeding that to the nes directly via the midines.

There is an easy AVR midi player I am fairly confident will function with midines. You just load up an sd card with your .mid (format 0) files and it will play them like it was a midi Walkman of sorts. I thinks it's called the "mr.midi player" or something similar. http://www.mikrocontroller.net/articles … C/SD-Karte

I have been actually meaning to build one of these up and install it inside my nes. But I've yet to test it.


(48 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

The quiet sid 2 problem is very likely the transistor. I believe you should be using a 2n2222. Keep in mind 2n2222A transisters are not the same as 2n2222.

The glitch you are describing leads me to believe it is a faulty sid.


(28 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Mine too e.s.c. Although I've become quite fond of 29/4 lately. It consists of three measures of 7/4 and the last one resolves with 4/4. So much more fun to write solos in this format because of the even and rounded last measure.


(10 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

It's definitely possible. I've seen some TI calc demos. Though I don't know where to find out how to create such things.


(28 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Moot Booxlé - Ouroboros is in 7/4 I think. And the outro of FearofDark's Fast City is in 7/8. I could be wrong on the denominators but I know they are some flavor of 7.


(48 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

If I could go back in time and not drill big holes to fit 1/4" jacks I would. You can always re-drill your holes to accommodate for bigger jack types, just not the other way 'round. Go with rca jacks, get the radioshack Isolator, put some rca to 1/4" adapters on the ends and try it out. If later you would rather have 1/4" jacks, you can then decide to drill bigger holes.


(48 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

That device looks quite large and expensive for your purposes. I don't see the advantage, especially if you need two.

Oh, ok. I was just attempting you help you out finding a cheap calc in case you needed one. Sorry for the confusion :3

The TI-82 itself. Thats what I'm seeing right now. about 15-30 dollars.

edit: I may have mis read your original post as well. Are you trying to get rid of your link cable to get a TI82 in return or just get a TI so you can start using your cable?


(48 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Yeah, I still got a couple of those laying around. Great for if you don't want to drill into the enclosure.