(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

That setup looks supa-fly! I like how compact and functional your nes looks


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I'll leave this here ;P

Using EPROMs in place of NES Mask ROMS:

27CXXX series EPROMs,
27C64, 27C128, 27C256, 27C512, 27C010, 27C020, 27C040

UNROM (mapper 2):
Bend up pins 1, 2, 24 and 31
Solder pin 2 to hole 22 (A16)
Solder pin 24 to GND (OE)


(7 replies, posted in Audio Production)

Slow down the song with software and listen.... Your bass playing will thank you


(2 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Now that is effin' neat!


(1 replies, posted in Product reviews)

Hey guys. Found a good review on some rechargeable batteries and charger I had never heard of before. They seem like a great option if they can withstand being put through their paces inside high power photography flashes and whatnot. I'm sure they could keep a heavily modded DMG alive for quite a while too.


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I'd imagine sourcing a link cable will be easier than doing and connector transplant. (albeit less fun tongue)

But as long as a connection is made to the relevant pins from the original link connector you should be fine using a modern one.

Or you can just find a link cable from ebay or something like I did. Cheapy china cable might do fine depending on your application. (The cheapies don't have a 5v pin for making arduinoboys)


(11 replies, posted in Releases)

Oh! I see now. Thanks!

I think I figured it out. In xpmck I just have to throw in a "@1" on my D channel (noise), raise the C channels octave, silence its volume. Duplicate the note data, and make every note on the D channel play "g".

Too bad we can't get the octaves to go higher. Melodies would sound really cool with this mode.

Also on Bad Ghosts how do you accomplish those drums? they seem to be playing while the bass is also playing. They also just sound really good and punchy!


(11 replies, posted in Releases)

Thats cool! How are you getting that thin duty cycle sounding bass in the first couple?


(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)



(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

You should add the resistor that routes expansion audio to the audio out rca


(20 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Thats the funnest part of the c64 in  my opinion. Kitting out the case and installing all the mods. Plus at the end of it all you get 6 channels of awesomeness, and a cool looking c64!


(20 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Oh yeah I totally  spaced out. You WILL NEED to install the 4 controller pots to use the software. you can get away with using the sequencer without them but the rest of the software suite require them to fiddle with the parameters. The mssiah-forum site has a complete mountains worth of terrific and helpful  to get you started.


(20 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

You will seriously want a way to save. I recommend any SD2IEC device so you can backup your projects on your desktop computer.

Wow! That sounds awesome!

Sweeet! I love 1-bit stuff!


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Might help if you told us the context of what these files are s'posed to be performing. Like, do you need .hex machine code for micros? do you need like a .bin rom to be the result?

I've only ever seen .hex files the result of some sort of compiling. I don't think convert is the right term. But again I've only ever used .hex files for ATmegas.