(26 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

I can easily put files onto a 1541 for you if you have a 1541 drive to play them on. I've never tried a 1581 before. I don't have that kind of drive.


(32 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

shizcake wrote:

Hell, maybe even two NES can be hooked up at the same time to beatmatch and DJ...

That's my plan exactly ;P

40106 generator was my hope, glad to hear that's a possibility. I wonder what the duty cycle is like, or if it even cares how wide it is.


(32 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

WOW! this rocks! any options for syncing NSFs made with ppMCK? or is it fami only? Also what kind of clock is nano mode producing? Any way of simplifying it into just a small circuit? I ask cause I don't need or care to use lsdj but would like to be able to control the tempo manually like that.


(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Well, it is the same way on genesis cause the Knuckles cart had an extra cart slot on top that Sonic 3 connected into.:P  Just curious as to whether there was any levels I hadn't played yet. If it's the same game, then whatevs.


(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Feryl wrote:

Edit: beat me to it lol.

Mother of god! O_O I had literally no idea. Is it just an identical port, or a different game?


(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

aaroneow wrote:

Sonic 3 & Knuckles (PC)

That's not very funny.

T'was on the Genesis/MegaDrive


(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm not a gamer so my list is limited, but I enjoyed these as a kid:

Super Mario 64 (such a masterful work by Nintendo)
Sonic 1,2,3, Kuckles cart
Road Rash
Bomberman 64
Alladin (Genesis)
Lion King (Genesis)
Mario Cart (SNES & N64)


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Tinypic, Photobucket, Flickr.... all viable options


(55 replies, posted in General Discussion)

During 2013 I have:
Learned to use and learned to love MML
Learned the wonders of Room Acoustics and Acoustic Treatment
Made some well received LSDj tutorials
Spent too much money on ebay (That shit is so addicting)
Got a job I don't hate (and employee of the month in August big_smile)
Finally found a GenMDM

Goals for 2014
Release two separate NES Cart Albums
Release quality NES tools native to Ableton Live
Learn how to work out
Buy more on ebay big_smile
Attend Maker Fair
Attend my first chip concert.

Cool! Very creative way of releasing an album!


(8 replies, posted in Product reviews)

Great review, Alpine! I've been thinking of getting one for a while now, but always allocated my funds to more important purchases. Mainly want to circuit bend one, but even the stock tones will be fun to play with in certain scenarios.

Thomas Mogenson (DRAX) and Tim Follin


(3 replies, posted in Product reviews)

So I've taken a little time to comprise a list of ways one might categorize a product review. I tried to cover the main points. Just some things you should think about when writing an informative review. Obviously not limited to this format, but should be of some use to those that want an quick and easy template. (In some of these items there's a bit of crossover like 'midi' has more than one facet, so it's in several sections and 'size' could also be a part of 'portability' or 'aesthetics'. Also, I suppose 'Ergonomics' plays a part in the 'Ease of Use')

Ease of Use

How intuitive is the layout, menu system, user manual, workflow, connection configurations, and other things related to ease of use?


Is the product affordable for the average person? Does the price match it's quality?


Is the product available from more that one distributor? Is it still in production, or only available as a vintage or discontinued product (ebay)


How rugged are the enclosure, knobs, buttons, connectors? will they survive a drop to the ground, or hard wear and tear from gigging/studio use?

Sound Quality

How does the sound compare to other gear? Any notable issues with resolution, noise floor, or distortion?


Is the design aesthetically pleasing to look at? Are there alternate color options? Is it intuitive and comfortable to control/use the product?


How large or small is it? Can you easily fit it in and around your other gear?


Does it require a wall socket for power? Is it small enough to easily transport?


(Batteries, Tapes, Etc.)
Will you have to continually buy batteries or other such consumables to use the product?


(MIDI Clock, DIN Sync, Clock Trigger)
Can you sync the clock with other various types of gear?


(USB Device, MIDI Device, OS X/Win, x86/PPC)
Is it a class compliant USB or MIDI device? If not, what Operating System/Architecture will support it?


(CV Control, MIDI Data)
Are there any options for controlling with your analog gear? Can you control with other midi gear?

Ease of Modification

How easy is it to modify? Can items be purchased such as backlights/buttons/sync kits/etc? Can you potentially create custom mods yourself such as adding functionality to the existing circuit (Korg Monotron, Speak&Spell, Gameboy, etc)

Personal Experiences

This can be about anything you find to be good or bad from the product in your experience owning and using it. Maybe it ruined a gig, or maybe it saved one.


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Heck yeah! That was cool. At the beginning I was thinking to myself "Hey, he could have used the kaossilator for his little toy buddies to play on", and sure enough, I see one later in the vid big_smile


(3 replies, posted in Product reviews)

So is this mostly for commercially available products such as items one could just buy from a users online shop and larger shopping sites, or can it include products like software and/or firmware that are more of a DIY thing? I'm just trying to gauge how broad the term product is when being use in this context.


(5 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

handbaked wrote:

anyone have any ideas? or how are other people saving their files on their c64?!

I don't have an sd2iec device yet (planning on getting the SDrive1541 with LCD), but I currently use a XU1541 and OpenCBM libraries to transfer straight from my computer to a 1541 disk drive. and visa versa.

I hope you find a solution to your problem.