I've heard some good acid in lsdj before. I can't remember where but I'm almost positive they used real tb-303 samples. XD

I imaging the resolution to be too small to reproduce that sort of filter sound on the lsdj synth. All we can really get is the 'bit crushed' equivalent. Granted I can't say that I've tried very hard either. I'm more of a NES and c64 guy, so I haven't picked up lsdj in a little while.

It's interesting and amusing to see people so adamant about this topic.

I fall on the side of the mods to be honest. There is certainly a clear and obvious distinction between audio data and instructional data. If their rules are against sequenced instructions then it doesn't really belong. Same reason I don't get upset at OGRemix for not allowing chipmusic. They have a specific vision for the type of media they want to host/offer and have made a rule to support their vision. It isn't really about how good something is. It's about consistency within their database.

That all being said NES cart albums are amongst my top interests, and it is a shame to see it rejected. Heck, I'm working on a NES cart album myself actually. wink


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I tried using it, and it was very frustrating. The stuff I wanted to do was all broken or very temperamental. Looks nice with the UI but the core is fractured. It's a shame cause the FM and AM possibilities along with the sampling he was implementing looked boss as heck!


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

Excellent stuff!


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

If you are into melodic chiptunes you should listen to DRAX (Thomas Mogensen) sometime. Some of my favorites are Pubhorny, Clarencio, Sinful, Depressed, Swamp Poo, and KickAssembler Easteregg remix.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I beg to differ. They are that bad

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edit: haha ya beat me to it, iNFO

Isn't is like $1000+ for one coin though? are there 'bitcents'?


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

That looks fantastic. Love that color of turquoise! I thought about doing that midi jack thing to my midines. Looks good.


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I already know my answer is going to be the epitome of 'waaay too expisive' but the one product that would be perfect for what you want is the Mooger Fooger MF-101. Is a pedal based moog filter with lfo, cv, and envelope options.


(32 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I used to have a set of those furmans. they are great. They were all connected using ethernet cables, and they were our on stage personal mixers for our in ear monitors.


(16 replies, posted in Releases)

Fuck you. You're too good tongue

But seriously, Fantastic album. The musicianship displayed here is off the freakin' charts.


(45 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Cool stuff. I like those tasteful stops and syncopated pulses you utilize. Your plucks and the kick drum really shine in that track.


'General Discussion' on any forum I've ever been apart of has never meant 'Off-Topic' There are always sections literally named that if those types of post are allowed/welcomed. The rules for expected and allowed content of a General Discussion board have never been as abiguous as some people make them out to be. Furthermore, the proper course of action for not knowing the rules, if there ever was a question as to what is allowed, is to lurk till you know. Not 'cry till it's fixed'


I have no interest in following this discussion. I think it's gotten pretty out of hand honestly. I'm going back to making music. Hopefully some of you will join me.


(45 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The metal band I play 6-string bass for http://www.soundcloud.com/designofdestiny

I guess I don't really consider it a 'side project' but it's what I do when I'm not chippin'

I plan on putting secret messages in HEX inside the free space of NSF releases.


(11 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

That would be a interesting pattern for those lazer engraved kitch cases.