Cool. Glad I could have been of help. Good luck with the rest of your endeavors. The site looks very promising.


It seems to only hang up in safari. Version 7.1.5 (9537.85.14.17)

But now all song pages are playing the same tune in all browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari)
This song also playes when trying to preview DPCM samples and when attempting to preview a custom tune.

The playback routine seems to be bugged. Every song eventually hangs up and loops a small portion indefinitely.




(20 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Yeah, "pro sound" c64 are literally two jacks, 2 caps, and 4 wires. S-Video is likely wired straight to the provided luminance and chroma terminals on the multi out connector. If not, it would just be a tranny, an electrolitic cap, and two resistors. haha. 

This post makes me laugh. Only things priced fairly are the midines and 1.3 nanoloop.


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Are you using any converters like 1/4 -> 1/8 or 1/8 -> rca?

Are you positive your aux cables are TRS stereo kinds?

Are you sure that it's not your headphone's adaptor (if you're using one)?

Did you leave the original headphone amp installed on your gameboy to confirm the stereo seperation?

Parallel Processing was always appealing to me... I imagine it is supposed to be a subtle reference to the fact it's a collaboration album. Two minds working in parallel.

Also, Heebie GBs is a fantastic pun. 5 stars from me.


(14 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Delek wrote:

It is a triangle rather than a sine! yikes

Yeah, it sounds like an emulated NES triangle. So, draw one in the wav editor. Just remember tracks like the one you used as an example have mixing and EQ done to them. So to get it "Deep" just eq the low end.

That pocket chip housing looks awesome! Very excited to see more of that thing


(21 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

I think those are generated based on comment and song view traffic


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Woah that was cooool!

Some tones reminded me of an Atari punk because of its quantized pitches.


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

garvalf wrote:

it's nice, I'm interested in both 1-bit music and MML. But the output sounds much richer than usual 1-bit music, so I don't think it's really 1-bit but rather 8-bit

well there IS a binary visualizer embedded on the website that shows the binary output of the tune. Note sure if thats just a simple pulse code modulation though. But you're right the squares sound really clean, compared to a real z80


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hey, I came across this nifty site whilst trying to find a 1-bit MML compiler. Its a web based MML compiler very similar to ''. It uses a javascript called 'pico.js' that I've never heard of till now. The tune labeled 'MML3' is particularly good under his example tracks.

Thought I'd share my find for any 1-bit or MML aficionados.

I havent yet figured out the way they are designating new channels. I think it has something to do with them designating the tempo and '@w' tone width several times throughout the tracks. Or it could be something as subtle as the ';' symbol I see at the very end of each channel's note data.

Also  Judging from the FM demo on this page:  'pico.js' seems to be much more powerful then this 1-bit site demonstrates.


(10 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Sprites mod's cable is a very fun item to play with. I built myself one and it was actually pretty easy to solder up, and flash.


(10 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

meanwun wrote:

i may hold out and go for a kerberos cart with cynthcart.

Yes, do this.