nickmaynard wrote:

if kitsch is hesitant, that should tell you something.

their inability to produce a product that essentially everyone want s a piece of, that uses pretty common products, should tell you more than us dropping their product...

they make good stuff.  they can't run a smooth business though.  waiting on them turns into frustration.  and, i tend to be pretty patient...

they advised us it would be a long time until they got that stuff running again, and we were advised to take a refund, which we did.  it was hinted they were thinking of a complete remodel of the cart, but their prototype failed, and then they sort of just gave up and advised we get a refund. 

good stuff.  awful service.  they were trying to complete our order with them by sending us a handful here and there (like, 15 at a time hmm), which is why they came and went in spurts in our shop for a little bit.

so, if they can only manage getting us 15 units, in about a 3-4 month period, best of luck to you all!  they could have made a bit of money through us, but opted to instead sit on their hands re: production.

but, like i said, it is actually well made.  and, their mind for product design is very good.  i guess its just hard for them to handle the actual selling part.  designing, awesome.  selling...  ehhhhh


you sholdn't have to format for the sav.

that may be an issue.

but, just to be sure (i'm sure they'd ask you to try this), just format the whole thing and try starting from scratch. 

if that doesn't work, then there is an issue for sure.  a full formatting like that shouldn't be how you have to change a sav (although, still, the sav is in the RAM, formatting wipes the ROM, so i'm still lost as to what the issue would be).

try formatting, doesn't work, contact them.  but, your sav file should change. 


format the cartridge first, just don't write new stuff on top of the old one.

did the cartridge come pre-flashed i'm guessing then?  i would assume they flash it via the USB, however, they can also be flashed via the edge connector.  depends on what they used, although i'd assume they check stuff before mailing it, and flashing via edge connector is a little antiquated...

but, format before flashing.  then with the blank cart, go on and flash whatever to it. 

if it doesn't work past that, get in touch with them, as your cart is malfunctioning. 

basically, the only two ways to flash them are via USB, and the edge connector.  if you paid for a USB cart, and the USB port is faulty, then thats an issue.

as long as you format FIRST, then flash.

these are around that price.  hovering around 25 GBP (slightly lower by a few cents now).  depends on the exchange rate at the moment.

if you are interested in playing the exchange market.

i have one of the steim crackles.  pretty fun.

i'd be interested.  i love those little buggers....

very fun with multiple people. 

PM if you've got more details.  smile

tbh, i can handle as many as you want to send...  the only issue is if you sent more supplies than we sold packages, which i doubt would happen in a typical situation. 

they will get sent out quickly, trust me.  its totally everyone's call on what they wish to send.

and, don't be shy business card or basic xerox flyer people!  i did a diy non-prof punk label years ago, and it was built on xeroxed crap with terrible art...  its just as fine as anything else smile

and, yeah, any requirements for things to be sent out i'm perfectly ok with...  the piggy is loved here as well smile

things without requirements i'll assume is just a first-come, first-served type thing, where i'll just drop little bits of things into packages, until they run out, then notify the person who sent the stuff (so, you'll have the option to do more or whatever if you care to, or not, its whatever).

thats the way i've been doing things...  we are sent things, we drop them in packages, when we run out (or slightly before) we let the person know we are close to being out, and its up to them when/if they send more.  some people have sent stuff whenever they think of it, others once a month, and others only when we tell them we ran out.

its free for us, it opens up our address book to anyone who wants to use us for it, and it pleases the people getting the package.  its a win-win-win for everyone i think.

so, here's the deal...

we send out a LOT of packages, to about everywhere in the world (we are missing a lot of africa, a little of asia (in the middle east mostly, and central Asia), and Lichtenstein (got Luxembourg today, and Andorra last month!!!)).  Oh, and island nations...  But, for the most part, the rest of the world is covered...  many on a daily basis (US and Western Europe for sure).

Anyways, with that being said.  We are already putting in some people's promotional items in our packages.  If you've gotten any stickers, plastics, business cards, etc with your orders, those things are the result of us giving out people's things.

We've been told its helped them get some attention, and thats exactly what we all want...

so, if you've got stickers, event flyers, promotional items, business cards, etc, and want us to drop them in with packages we send out, just send your things our way!

p.o. box 927
hickory, NC 28603-0927

Just, PLEASE don't send us very heavy things, as little things don't increase our shipping costs but heavy things will.  Also, don't send us anything that we can't reasonable mail out, or legally mail out (no pr0n in your artwork, food items, unsafe things, things that can be considered weapons). 

You get the idea...

Essentially, if you want people to hear about you, your even, your album, or whatever, feel free to use us as a distributor of that information! 

If you have music you want us to send out, we'd prefer 3" cds (we've gotten e-mails about this, for sending out promotional discs).

any questions, please ask here, or PM.  I think its pretty straightforward though.

We will send out what we get, unless you are a known rip-off, underhanded person, bigot, or general douchebag.  we won't waste our time with you. 

but, most all of you are ok.  i can only think of a couple folks who that applies to.  if you suspect you may be a douchebag, please get in touch with us and we will let you know...

sega flash carts will be restocked at 2 PM EST (EST is -5 GMT).

enjoy smile


sega flash carts restocked!

updated first post.

yes, plans for color.  no plans for pocket, but thats a good idea, so i suppose now there are plans wink

glow in the dark, very soon.  nes and dmg types.

the dmg in the nes feels fine to me.  imo, of course.


(19 replies, posted in Trading Post)

i've actually used the arabic basic OS before, just for shits and giggles (i know absolutely no arabic (written at least).

its pretty fun and has a great deal of kitsch value...  good thing this has msx-basic as well, otherwise almost pointless....

great find!  i'm curious about what price you decide upon smile

check yer PMs


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

yeah, i like NES buttons better.

but its probably just because they are different than they should.

ok, a pic with the new colors is up.

only thing not pictured, i believe, are the solid hot pink ones (sold out) and glow-in-the-dark (sold out).

other than that, i think they should all be pictured now, enjoy: … utton-sets

camera battery is dead, charger is missing, extra batteries need to be found, and orders in general are overwhelming.

but, i'll get to them asap.  i may just make a pile of one of each color and upload that when i can, for reference.

the issue is though, that each batch will look different, since these are hand-cast.  so, "red" one batch may look slightly different from "red" the next, so it gets, tedious, to say the least.  so, its red in the sense of the general notion of red...  not exactly as in the pic.  to do that, everyone would have to have their monitor adjusted the same way as well...  so, its the general idea of red, not necessarily as seen in photo.

but, with that said, maybe it would be wise to have a picture or two, so the general idea of 'transparent hot pink' would be made clear smile

but, i'll get towards that.  priority is packaging, naturally hmm  soooooo boring...