Strange mixture of stuff which while being a list of albums I really rate and love to listen to, most of them I haven't listened to for some time.
The way I approached this was, these are albums that changed my opinions about music in some way. Some of them I've only heard a couple times, but from the first time I heard them, I never forgot them.
Dunno if you guys have actually listened through the album or are just bashing it cause it's Tiesto and that video sucks.
No, actually, I love Fresh Fruit, Century and I Will Be Here. There's a lot of good stuff on the album. I just think that one song is unforgivable. Anyway, I was just teasing. I don't mean to derail the topic, so, back to our regularly scheduled lists.
Daft Punk - Discovery Crydamoure presents Waves Deadmau5 - Random Album Title Justice - Cross Data - Skywriter Cassius - Au Rêve Superdiscount Daft Punk - Alive 2007 Cut Copy - In Ghost Colours Air France - No Way Down / On Trade Winds Memory Tapes - Seek Magic Kris Menace - Idiosyncrasies Shinichi Osawa - The One Ratatat - Ratatat Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
I wasn't going to respond anymore but I owe it to you to clear things up. I never called you a dipshit and would not even use that kind of language to begin with. I did not demonize you either. I really don't have a problem with you at all. I disagreed with your disagreement, which happens all the time. I'm sorry if you took it the wrong way.
I shared this video in a hurry because it's a normal workday. I didn't go through the trouble of making a tutorial, and I probably won't get the chance to anytime soon. As I already said, I'd like this thread deleted and would prefer if people stopped arguing over it. I'm here to make friends, not enemies, and I can tell when a thread is headed in the wrong direction, which happened a few minutes after this one started.
but, if you overestimated us, you wouldn't be showing us tutorials on anything, right?
i don't really care about DS-10 i just wanna discuss language
No, I overestimated akira's ability to pay attention to the use of track muting in time with pattern changing. That was my original point. Anyone who thinks I underestimated would be assuming that everyone on is a genius and doesn't need helpful tutorials or advice when it comes to making chipmusic. It's a great attitude... let's just make this site as elitist as possible.
Want a community that's open to everyone? Go to 8bc.
Want an elitist circle-jerk that will immediately shut you out because you are still learning?
No, overestimated, like you overestimate others. I've heard many people say that the sequencer is too limited, that they don't know how to make a song longer than 2 minutes, that they can't make anything on the DS10 that's not repetitive. Just because this post wasn't helpful for you, doesn't mean it won't be helpful for others.
On another note, is it possible to delete threads? Is there a mod or admin that can take care of this for me? I've learned my lesson and I won't make the mistake of posting any more threads for the sake of helping others. Back to circle-jerking and trolling I guess.
You can only see how he plays pattern after a pattern (hardly a daunting task for anyone who has DS-10), not how the actual music is created, so this thread's title is very misleading.
Uh, I guess I overestimated you guys. The key to this demonstration is how he mutes different track parts even when he is repeating the same patterns, so that each pattern actually provides multiple different patterns within the song. It has nothing to do with the synthesis, which anyone can learn about by following the official tutorials on Youtube. The point of this is to demonstrate the use of pattern mode, to trigger patterns live and mute individual tracks, rather than depending on song mode, which limits the total length of your song.