This is cross-posted from 8bc... just wanted anyone who doesn't visit that site to know about this compilation!
You know the drill. Cementimental organized round 1. He was a little late on releasing it but the end result was worth the wait. Almost 300 1-second tracks from everyone you've heard of and a bunch of people you never even knew existed. Lots of delicious noise. Best compilation of all time.
So some people have mentioned that they would like a round 2. I've agreed to organize it. Here's the rules:
- You can submit up to 3 tracks.
- You don't have to use different artist names for each track like in round 1.
- I honestly don't care if it's chip or not. It just has to be no more than 1 second long.
- The theme of the first one was noise. Let's say this time around, it's more about pleasing sounds. Can you write a melody that fits in 1 second? Not that you have to
The theme is not meant to restrict you.
- You must send me WAVs.
- The comp will be released on my label, Dual Mode Records.
- Deadline is April 30th.
EMAIL ALL ENTRIES TO: SIROKAI [at] GMAIL [dot] COM. Attach your WAVs to the email. Tell me your artist name, the names of the tracks, and optionally a URL you would like to be credited with. That is all.