ForaBrokenEarth wrote:

.. but I'm still willing to hold off on criticism. We're nowhere near MidiNES territory yet and seb's done a lot for the community.

I'm not criticizing either, and I agree he has done a lot for the community,  I just find it odd that he has time to make dozens of Max patches, and now even

"Eight quack-tastic duck xylophone samples, FREE"

and not have time to even send a quick email so say what's going on, very odd.

what's next? grass harp samples? YES!

oi mate!
could you please take a break from Max for Live, and finish the last few GenMDM's
5 months now

August 29:" I am going to attempt to build another 10 units over the next few days - I'll keep you all updated"

6 weeks and 15+ new Max for Live devices later.............

I'm starting to mind the waiting smile

hey Seb
could you please give us an update
time flies, and it would be reassuring to get a status report here when emails
don't work
I know it's not a "midines situation" yet, but still great with some info

everything set for shipping on 17. May? (our national day here in Norway)
I've got myself a Nomad and a non-TMSS High Definition Graphics - Stereo Sound MegaDrive Model 1VA5 for the occasion.
Can't wait to find out the MIDI parameters I can tweak around with


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

kineticturtle wrote:
eptheca wrote:

Dude. That's beautiful.

Can it be powered from one of the gameboys, or does it require external? I figure all you'd need to do is have no power connection on two of the link connectors, yeah?

Would you make another of these like this?

Thank's smile

Like all AB's it can be powered from the GB, but I power mine externally.

I have made another one with only one socket
I use both


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I made an AB a while back with 3 outs
Works both with mGB on separate midi channels and midi syncing 3 GB's with LSDJ
It's cased in an old ZX Spectrum Power Supply
I case everything in Sinclair cases smile

will it have any graphics, like midiNES with graphic representation of the features and values?

little-scale wrote:
eptheca wrote:

does it matter?

Both! The interface itself is not regionalised, but can switch between PAL and NTSC mode whenever, using a MIDI CC value.

Great, bought one yesterday.

does it matter?


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

thanks Chris
I found it here if anyone's interested

It sounds a bit complicated for me
I'm building a MIdines desktop unit with the NES pcb, cart pcb and MIDIbox  modules with buttons/LED's/knobs for all features of Midines
I'll leave this feature out though smile


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

does anybody know how DMC PCM Modulation (reg $4011 poke) works?
I turn it on using cc13, and tweak cc02 but nothing happens


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I was able to buy a NTSC pcb
so now it should all be in tune soon  smile


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

nordloef wrote:

Buy a NTSC NES? Thats what I did.

where did you get yours from?
I'm in Oslo Norway, you're in Sweden right?


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I have a PAL NES and a midiNES 1.1.0
The cart works fine on my PAL NES after modifying the lockout chip, but I'm left with a midiNES out of tune sad

On the midiBOX forum someone had "fixed" this by installing a LTC1799 pitch mod.
I have done that now, and can tune the middle C correct, but I'm still not sure that this will work perfect over the scale and over time.

My theory is that it is not enough to just get the frequency right, since there also is a cycle difference.

Does someone have some experience on this? or some more insight on the problem?

I have searched here and other places about this, and know it is taken care of in the new midiNES version 1.1.1



(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I'm just worried it could be old, like before 1.1.0
It doesn't look like it says anywhere on the sticker, and I've seen grey carts with 1.1.0 printed on the sticker


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

can anyone tell from the pictures here what version it is?