For each of the PIL colours! (and original grey of course). The only reason i can't get rid of this red PIL is because noone wants one that doesn't have a battery cover!
97 Jun 10, 2013 5:15 am
Re: Uncommon Electronics [Site Coming Soon] (33 replies, posted in General Discussion)
98 Jun 8, 2013 3:36 pm
Re: Mastering or straight sound? (95 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
i just put my gameboy up to the laptop mic and record it in sound recorder
can only be 1 minute long tho
Please be kidding
99 Jun 8, 2013 3:35 pm
Re: DMG-01 Working On-and-off (6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Just clean your connectors, if they're gunked up with battery goof juice, no amount of aluminum foil is gonna conduct through that.
Grab one of Luftek's mini-b power adapters! They're on Kitsch-Bent for $5 (+p&h). They're invaluable!
That'll tell you whether it's a connector issue or not.
100 Jun 8, 2013 3:30 pm
Re: would people come to a scene meeting in berlin? (16 replies, posted in General Discussion)
There's various factors that go into it. Like lazer said, the lineup is probably the biggest. I'd love to meet people from the forums in real life - it's awesome to put a face to a name!
101 Jun 8, 2013 4:49 am
Re: Sound out of pro-sound and gameboy? (5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
If you wire the 1/8th" jack to the volume potentiometer backwards this should resolve the issue.
That way when you turn the volume in one direction, the 1/8" jack will get louder, and when you turn it the other way then the speakers will get louder.
Make sense?
102 Jun 8, 2013 4:46 am
Re: Opening an online store for my mods (6 replies, posted in General Discussion)
103 Jun 8, 2013 3:01 am
Re: Opening an online store for my mods (6 replies, posted in General Discussion)
We need one here in australia :c
104 Jun 7, 2013 12:19 am
Re: WTB: neon green dmg buttons (81 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I wonder, like... does anybody ever find those lost battery covers? What if the battery cover you lost 15 years ago turned up on ebay because somebody moved into your old house and found it on top of the kitchen cabinets?
Or are they just lost forever?
Funny you might say that. The year I got my gameboy advance (like 2003 - I was super young!) I lost my bag of 10 or so games. We couldnt find them ANYWHERE and when we moved out, we left a few things there - we bought a new couch and let the new tenants keep our old one. Same deal with the washing machine.
Months later we got a call from them telling them we'd left some things at the house. Amongst those things was my bag of games id lost close to 8 years earlier. I swear I almost cried of joy! Haha.
Was so glad when I got my old Ice Age GBA cart back! Hahaha!
105 Jun 6, 2013 1:14 pm
Re: WTB: neon green dmg buttons (81 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Hey man, if you're still looking for a clear shell, Ultramega has a couple for sale in his thread!
106 Jun 6, 2013 1:10 pm
Re: FS: Gameboy DMG Power adapters (7 replies, posted in Trading Post)
you hit it right on the head bitman
Most computers do, but not all unfortunately. I actually fried a card reader USB port playing around with USB power a little while back >_> that's one of the reasons i was so keen on getting overload protection built into this lol. In USB wall adapters, car chargers, other devices ext, it varies depending on the unit in question.
This adapter limits the current draw to the international standard for USB 2.0 so theres no risk using it with anything you have handy, but it provides this current at 6 volts instead of 5v.
getting more technical, its has to do with the DMG picking up more amps (current) by stepping down from 6v to 5v. the batteries provide 6v (1.5v x 4) and all the original adapters and battery packs also provide 6v (and indeed the DMG itself is stamped saying it needs a 6v PS). So, while the system runs on 5v internally, it has a step down transformer which is designed for a 6v primary (input). The power going into and coming out of a step-down transformer has to always be the same; 6v can equal 5v IF 5v has more amps than 6v. What happens when you have a 5v primary feeding a 5v secondary is you basically bypass it with some slight efficiency issues and loose that native boost in amps. running on a 5v primary is the equivalent of running in on low batteries as running the system on a set of batteries that test out at ~5v means you have less current available (and the system will likely crash as soon as you turn on a backlight or try loading a game). the reason it works at all is you're basically making the laptop/whatever you're plugged into provide the amps the transformer is intended to produced from stepping down; your laptop should provide 5v with enough current to run a DMG, but not everything is designed for use with devices that dont regulate their draw. USB wall adapters provide a current range from 250mAh to 1A (1000mAh) lol, meaning not all will work with a direct USB-jack adapter. USB car adapters and other fused power sources will simply blow their fuse without something like my adapter between it and the DMG.
another key difference is noise, as bitman also pointed out. my adapter filters almost all of it out while Luftek's, or at least the one he sent me, can be quite noisy. kind of sounds like a transformer screaming lol
I'm actually genuinely interested in checking out one of these power connectors now! When i get my next work payment i'll consider getting one!
107 Jun 6, 2013 1:07 pm
Re: External pitch bend station - Completed! (11 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)
No, I don't need them for the connectorsI usually get those at Tayda, super cheap.
I was just thinking up to do some projects with those little screens...
the reviews on those aren't very promising tho
I was thinking the same thing. I felt bad discarding the screens and PCB's.. Although it would have been a huge pain working out the pinouts for them and whatnot. There is, however, a backlight the size of the screen that solders right out! Could be interesting.
As to the bad reviews... They're $5. Not much to lose! Haha!
108 Jun 6, 2013 1:00 pm
Re: DMG-01 Working On-and-off (6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I did notice the battery contacts were a bit greenish, but they seemed to work before I took it apart.
Clean it off my getting some white vinegar, putting it on a cuetip or other small cotton tip, and rubbing it into the green. It'll melt like wax vs flame.
The problem definitely looks like it's the battery connectors. What you can do as a temporary fix (to see if the battery connectors ARE the problem:
Grab some aluminium foil and put it over the battery connectors. Aluminium foil is conductive and will work in the same way as the battery connectors do. A second option is to buy a set of connectors online. See Kitsch-Bent. They sell them for $3.
Let us know how it goes!
109 Jun 5, 2013 7:54 am
Re: FS 8bitAesthetics - 07.09.13 Update: New DMGs (30 replies, posted in Trading Post)
jackary wrote:What paints did you use for the blue/pink one? I love the matte look! It's gorgeous!
I believe that's a Montana paint. I'm not sure which exact color though. Earlier this year I lived in a 2nd floor apartment where I couldn't paint for a few months so I had our artist newbanZo doing some basic and two tone shells for the site while I was unable to paint at that location. I just ordered about 8 different montana colors so if I stumble upon that specific shade I'll let you know!
Awesome! Thanks a bunch!
110 Jun 5, 2013 7:16 am
Re: FS 8bitAesthetics - 07.09.13 Update: New DMGs (30 replies, posted in Trading Post)
What paints did you use for the blue/pink one? I love the matte look! It's gorgeous!
111 Jun 5, 2013 7:14 am
Topic: Potentiometers - 100k vs. 500k? (1 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)
So i want to do another bend on a gameboy but all i have is a variable clock v2 and a 100k Potentiometer. What would the difference be between using that and using a 500k potentiometer?
<- I'm relatively new to circuits and slowly but surely soaking in all the info about what I'm doing... hahaha!
112 Jun 5, 2013 7:10 am
Re: External pitch bend station - Completed! (11 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)
Nice choice of kit
Sorry about the resistor problem. Glad it was easy to remedy! That's part of the idea of having the through holes as well as an SMT spot. Very easy to change out.
The hardest part about it was searching through a box of 500 different individual resistors trying to find the fucking Blue/Red/Black/Gold one... Man i swear i spent atleast 20 mins looking through them!