Right on. This thread needs moar love!

How much are they and do you take pre-orders?

I'll be in MD at the time and able to make it out for a day... possibly.
My thinking is flying in for the night, stay the day and fly out the next day.
I need a place to crash however.
If anyone knows of one please let me know.


(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Hi guys,
Kinda new to the whole chipmusic scene so ... ya.*
Was just wondering if someone had a place I could crash for a day or two?
I can make it out there but I'll have to fly in, and fly out because IF I get sent to this class in MD then I can only be there for the weekend.
If anyone can host me can you drop me a message?
Thanks in advance.

*not entirely true



(274 replies, posted in General Discussion)


*stumbles in*
Not like it matters but if it's after the 24th... I'm there.
I'll be in MD at a class from my bday till the 24th, so if it's that weekend and people have a place for me to crash, bread and water... I'll be able to make it to BF after 3 years of trying. wink


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I know right? So adorable.


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

No shit this just happened...
Apparently she is my daughter after all!
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= … 8437630198


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thanks bleo, I also need your mailing addy still.
Thanks Daur! PS - maybe heading to DC area sometime next year for about a month. wink


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

lol... thanks all for the grats!


(224 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Any mas updates? I'm just waiting for release to go crazy.


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thanks you guys.
Mother in Law got into Seoul today as well.
Wife is glad to have her mom here to help out. big_smile


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Video I made on my iPhone about my daughter.
So happy she's here!! big_smile
Thanks to you guys who already sent well wishes!
Couldn't be more happy.

bleo wrote:

OK, no way I can/should drop $60 on Magenta Boy.  </3

Hope all works out for my main man SnuGG!  Hang in there, buddy!

How much can you afford? (Cause I'm pretty sure you'll be the only one interested.
Shoot me a PM.

Also, Nordy and Decktonic... your packages have been shipped.