I would love one of those. Too bad I dont got the money right now. That three pack. I am always up for custom carts.
50 Jul 27, 2013 10:52 pm
Re: OTM (One Track Mind) - first software from LamptonWorm (9 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
I used to tell people
I have a one track mind and this is how it sounds... (pause)
51 Jul 27, 2013 2:50 am
Re: any other chip musicians with synesthesia? (100 replies, posted in General Discussion)
godinpants wrote:Synesthesia is like OCD, everyone on the internet will tell you they have it.
that tasted rude
You had me laughing so hard at that hear hurts now.
Dr. Kent Hovind with Creation Science Evolution stated once that heaven will enable all of our senses in a brand new way. He said you could taste the color yellow if you wanted to. I do not like Dr. Hovind because some of his theories are exactly what he preaches against. But even as a spiritualist what I would be willing to call heaven there are going to be a new aray of colors and new sounds that you have never heard before. Imagine 4th Dimentional music. What a pleasure that would be.
52 Jul 26, 2013 8:55 pm
Re: any other chip musicians with synesthesia? (100 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Oh no proplem. I wasnt condeming you for it. I was just saying im sorry you feel that way if you were intending negative action.
Im here to make friends and learn. I didnt understand why there was hostility.
I aappreciate the honesty though.
53 Jul 26, 2013 8:41 pm
Re: any other chip musicians with synesthesia? (100 replies, posted in General Discussion)
OK OK OK. Get this guys... I can hear... Music!
Isn't *that* amazing?
The purpose of my post was educational. I provided my method of musical interpritation for comparison and contrast.
If you were attempting to make a fool** out of me I am sorry you see it that way.
** this word has been cencored.
54 Jul 26, 2013 4:20 pm
Re: any other chip musicians with synesthesia? (100 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I have ignored this topic till know because I just downloaded the software called synesthesia So I was checking it out to see if you were patching chiptune instruments in the program. When I freeplay on the piano or another instrument I hear the next note audibly in my ears. The familiarity with the instrument is how well I can play and most flutes (especially ocarina) and keyboard I can hear it and my mathmatical understanding of how the keys play allow me to replicate that note. Its a lot harder in LSDj though. I can hear the note I want but I have to cycle through notes and thats disruptive. I dont know the music scale so I am trying to learn it right now in hopes to use this ability in chiptunes and thats where I truely struggle.
55 Jul 26, 2013 3:00 am
Re: Man Cave, Project Zero (6 replies, posted in General Discussion)
http://www.nsi-be.com/pointing-devices/ trackball/ Im thinking I should install this in the desk for my mouse. I am quite partial to trackballs for their precision in photo manipulation. And this one is gigantic.
56 Jul 26, 2013 2:42 am
Re: Man Cave, Project Zero (6 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Better yet I want a sterile theme for the room, lots of white. I could silver leaf the schematics onto the largest wall for some nice light dispersing in the room to brighten it more dynamically. I actually like that idea a lot.
57 Jul 26, 2013 2:09 am
Re: Man Cave, Project Zero (6 replies, posted in General Discussion)
With an intercom to the wife that she must carry at all times?
58 Jul 26, 2013 2:04 am
Topic: Man Cave, Project Zero (6 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Hello everyone!
As some of you know already I bought a new house. 3 bedrooms and only me and my wife living in it. I get a man cave. I have the advantage of constructing this glorious cave from scratch. I am looking for ideas and I have a few of my own. When I move into the house I will get pictures of the bare room as well as construction photos. Where I can I will be building everything and I am hoping to make this room rather high tech. I will be composing all of my music from this room and I would like to have a corner desk with a tri panel monitor. The celieng is going to be redone with an infinity mirror with LEDs so it looks sorta like Tron. I am hoping to have a retro gaming station in there as well.
Anyways if you have ideas for me toss them out there.
59 Jul 26, 2013 1:22 am
Re: Lsd Dream Emulator Game for playstation (89 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Hey man look out for roms. I got some from coolroms that were littered with viruses. i appreciate MVSPSP, I have just about every emulator except for a neo geo emulator.
60 Jul 25, 2013 11:56 pm
Re: Lsd Dream Emulator Game for playstation (89 replies, posted in General Discussion)
So you mean to tell me that CFW now allows us psp users to browse the marketplace and download official games without the hassle of downloading a possibly virus infested rom and slapping it onto my psp through moderate formatting processes to make it function properly? Well.... Im not totally against that but I do like the ease of use that is provided by the marketplace. But if there is something I am missing please enlighten me.
However I have already made the decision to convert over to CFW. Its jailbreaking an iPod or rooting an Android.
Edit: I realized after I submit this that it could be taken as hostility. That is not the intention here.
61 Jul 25, 2013 6:02 pm
Re: Frequency Response of Gameboy DMG-01 (13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
On this track at 3:14 I doubled a section using a 25% square wave playing the same thing as a 75% square wave on another channel and was able to achieve a slight flanging effect due to microscopic differences in the playback. It's pretty subtle but it's there, each measure is playing the same thing but sounds like it jumps through octaves.
I am on my cell right now but you might have created a binaural tone by doing that
62 Jul 25, 2013 1:53 pm
Re: Lsd Dream Emulator Game for playstation (89 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Yeah its begining to look like I will need to put CFW on it. Good bye sweet psp. Ill miss your full functionality.
63 Jul 25, 2013 4:41 am
Re: DMG Build Blog (135 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
So it works!!! I am very proud of you man this is a really sick mod. I wish I could have watched it from the begining
64 Jul 25, 2013 3:48 am
Re: PSP Go Mods (8 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
I could invest some time into this since I will be ripping mine apart anyways. Its just a USB cable over glorified so I might be able to splice a micro usb into it somewhere.