I did notice that the arduinoboy does send some random notes and program changes every now and then if it's in midi-out mode. Haven't had that problem with master sync tho.

It seems to work best when the batteries of my DMG are completely full. Somehow that generates less errors.

Other than that, I'm surprised that it even sends note data in mastersync mode. Shouldnt do that...


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

akira^8GB wrote:
Timbob wrote:

- C64c with some extra pots

C64C? Looks like a C64G.

Ah yes, I put a C64c into one of those breadboxes. that explains the case+white keys smile

theghostservant wrote:
KODEK wrote:

that's how you make your swick beats, cat power.

With Chee$e!


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Right. Since I spend most of my time more or less collection gear instead of actually making music with it, I might as well show that part off tongue

This is my little fun corner in my room. In this picture we have, more or less from left to right:

- C64c with some extra pots
- Some guitar pedals
- DMG with an arduinoboy built in one of those nuby speakers, DMG with half speed clock, DMG for show....
- Atari 1040 STf running maxymizer (Also, the DMG generates a master clock, the STf syncs to that and sends Dinsync to the C64 running prophet)
- Yamaha PSS-100 (cute little squarewave synth)
- Lem Baby mixer, which has a tape echo, really cool mixer, can get a bit crunchy tho.
- Akai S1000 sampler
- Yamaha drum/rhythm box thingy
- Yamaha FB-01 FM synth
- Yamaha Portasound PS-2
- Circuitbend piano with tapedeck.
- Meastro Rhytym Jester
- Commodore 64SX
- Yamaha DX-27
- And a Roland electrical piano that I borrowed from a roommate.

Also note the vintage look on the picture. It upgrades my cool level by at least 20 points.


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

'tis pretty good indeed...

Krubbz wrote:

I don't find blue all that hard to see.  I have a blue and a teal (Kitsch RGB backlight).  Teal is really nice.  I have a purple one also, (nonfinite RGB using blue and red only) but that one is pretty hard to see.

If you're worried about clarity, why not get it biverted?

I'd go for just inverted and then change the colour scheme in LSDJ to inverted. same effect, easier to do.
Also, Biversion can sometimes generate a hum in the DMG.


(1 replies, posted in Releases)

'tis damn funky!

boomlinde wrote:

For half the price I'll write AMIGA on your computer case. World-wide shipping included.

for $2500, will you come to my house and do it there?


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nullsleep wrote:

Oh my, that's quite disturbing...


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

How about some Biosphere? He did some great stuff with Substrata and Dropsonde, to start with.

Also try Alva Noto, especially his Xerox albums

Or, for a bit more of a synth approach, Try the album "Blue Shift Emissions" By Christ.


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Lazerbeat wrote:

Never seen this before. It looks a bit like how some GB games took advantage of the GBC and had full color. Also neither the SNES nor the super game boy are particularly hard to come by. Could open up all kinda interesting things. Extra sample channels?

If it can combine the 4 GB channels with the snes channels, that would be awesome.

Also, it seems like you can run SNES code from the SGB on the snes, could make for a cheap snes flashdisk smile
But it does look like it needs some serious programming skills.

LSDJ SGB edition please tongue


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

for a partlist and how-to, you can go here:

if you want a kit or a completed one, you can ask NeX. he used to make kits like that. He's around here somewhere smile


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I cried a little there... crispy


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I just licked my elbow.


(27 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

How about this one?

Ok, technically not a flyer per se.
But still flyer-ish

Decktonic wrote:

Now I feel old for being 26.

I'm 29, and now I'm scared of falling apart...


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

Interesting stuff...