what is 030
030 is the area code of Utrecht, the netherlands.
There's quite a chipscene growing here. So it does make sense.
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by Timbob
what is 030
030 is the area code of Utrecht, the netherlands.
There's quite a chipscene growing here. So it does make sense.
Inverted is basically what is says.. inverted..
the black pixels are now white, and the white pixels are black. This is because the polarised sheet that is placed behind the screen is turned 90 degrees.
the reason people use this, is because it also turns the spacings between the pixels black, thus creating a bigger contrast in the screen. The problem with the contrast is indeed a bit anoying sometimes, and varies from colour to colour.. Make sure your batteries are full...
So you should get an inverted picture, if you get a normal picture, or half a picture, change the batteries, and adjust the contrast...
If you still have trouble getting your picture right, you might want to try and untighten the screws in your gameboy just a little bit (pcb or case) as the backlight takes up some room, the screen can sometimes be squashed causing the pixels to fade (Like what happend when you press your finger on your calculator screen)
Ah yes, It could be from the other ports... Doubt it's from the long wires, because I mounted it right on top of the pcb. wires aren't even a centimeter...
Might try and ground the ports on my DMG, to hear if it makes any difference...
But in all seriousness. I don't have that much technical insight that i know what really caused the buzzing sound. I biverted my gameboys as well, but I never noticed it before.. (Then again, I'm not as anal about my sound as Monodeer )
I couldn't tell you if it happens with all biversions, or just the version of chip that I used. It looks like the chip somehow interferes with the sound of the gameboy, but I've got no clue as to how. It's one of those things that shouldn't happen, but still does.
If you're going to use your gameboy just for LSDJ, you can easily just get an inverted backlight and then use an inverted colourscheme in LSDJ, works the same as biversion, without the hassle of soldering hex inverters etc.
Glad i could be of little help
I was watching the video and thinking, Wow, they actually explain it quite well, in a way most people will understand! And no Mario reference!
And then the presenter kills it of..
It's like they just can't let it go...
Other than that, cool video!
And nice to see some faces with the names
This might be useful if you want to cheaply sync a gameboy and the atari to a pc or mac:
http://little-scale.blogspot.com/2011/0 dated.html
Modern Pc's are for losers
Real men only use 80's equipment.
Like arduino's!
But thanks for the link, interesting stuff
Didn't Ultrasyd used a 'sync' chain of Atari and Gameboy? Or is he just good at pressing 'play' at the same time?
Atari and gameboy (With arduinoboy) Both use Midi, so that's not really a problem
Sync24 is for old machines like the TB-303, TR-808 etc, And Prophet64 on the commodore.
That's why it's a different schematic etc.
If only everything was midi...
Can someone please test it and confirm
It wont work with LSDJ.
Ah, bugger...
Would be a really cool and cheap sync option...
Cool. Let us see and hear the result of this!
I would be interested in making a sync cable between Game Boy and Atari ST. Could you please show me?
Sure will!
What I did to sync the gameboy with the Atari is to just make an Arduinoboy. Since the Atari syncs with Midi.
Timbob wrote:Is there a way to use this midi adapter to sync it with a drum computer or the likes? Without a pc and such.
No, it's a USB client and requires a USB host. I guess there are devices that provide USB-MIDI host functionality to connect multiple clients. But that's just a guess, I don't know.
Ah well, It's still awesome
I'll just keep using my arduinoboy for syncing then.
Is there a way to use this midi adapter to sync it with a drum computer or the likes? Without a pc and such.
what value resistors did you use?
150 ohm on the run/stop and clock.
Seems to work. Nothing is smoking yet.
Didn't connect continue since prophet doesn't do continue
It does however sound like there's a few milliseconds delay in triggering. But that could just be my imagination...
It works!
I've got a commodore 64 running Prophet64, which is syncing to an Atari 1040 ST running MaxYMiser, which is syncing to an gameboy running LSDJ
It's a total nerd-synch-fest over here!
Well, at least the thread title is descriptive.
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by Timbob