This might be an easy question, but I can't find the answer (Or maybe I did, but there's something else wrong)
I'm using an arduinoboy for midi-out. And all works fine when i use PU1 as channel 1, to NOI as channel 4.
But now I want to make NOI send note data on channel 15 (A rhythmbox I've got only accepts notes on that channel)
Looking through the code, I found this part:
0,1,2,3, //midiOutNoteMessageChannels - midi channels for lsdj midi out note messages Default: channels 1,2,3,4
0,1,2,3, //midiOutCCMessageChannels - midi channels for lsdj midi out CC messages Default: channels 1,2,3,4
So my guess was, change 0,1,2,3 to 0,1,2,14 and all would be peachy.
But after that, NOI still sends on channel 4.
I erased the program from my arduino, and reflashed it all together. Still nothing.
Did i forget to change something else?
or is there another problem?