@BitShifter - Thanks for the kind words! We still have a few Mediums but it seems as though the XL is out and the Large will be gone very soon.

@CDK - We'll be putting in an order for XXL very, very soon. We were supposed to have this particular size on-hand, but as always, there was a lack of communication somewhere in the process.

@egr - The "414" is somewhere within all the numbers on the left side of the crossbones. Perhaps it wasn't too subliminal? Ha! As far as the secret release...


...we're going to wait a while longer for an official announce.

THANK YOU to everyone who ordered so far! As always, the money goes right back into more releases/projects/etc. Hard work never dies.


(21 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Please add a MASSIVE anvil-sized 4/4 kick drum throughout the entire thing and play shows with said material.



(24 replies, posted in Releases)

I've got some Nasenbluten .mods if you need some.


(24 replies, posted in Releases)

Xylocaine? Epsilon? Now you're talkin'!

Australia represent! Thanks for this...

"These limited, screen-printed, skull-tracker shirts are technically “dispyz” memorial shirts but don’t actually mention “dispyz” anywhere to avoid you the embarrassment of being called “dipsees” or “dipshitz” in public. Still features the “Mem 1995 – 2010″ and subliminal “414″ text. Design is based on the excellent, Octamed 4.0 sample tracker for the Amiga line of computers. Art was painstakingly created and traced by Ty Stagediver, line-by-line."

SHIRT: Black, American Apparel 50/50 blend or 100% Cotton.
SIZES: X-Small<--->2XL. Quantity is low.

Find them at the Radiograffiti storefront located here!

Oh, and we decided to go ahead and put this up as a you-name-the-price-even-if-it's-free-because-even-if-you're-broke-you-still-deserve-to-rock-the-fuck-out download.here.

...and yes, shirts with that awesome misfits/terminator skull are in the works.

EDIT: I think Ty needs a new stagediver logo and some looser fitting shirts, but that's just me. wink


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

Awesome. Excellent work!

I'm looking forward to the Amiga mix.


Not sure if we count, but hey what the hell, right?


The Hexadeci 7" is next in queue.


(19 replies, posted in Releases)

@theta_frost: SO AWESOME! A picture would be absolutely TOPS!

@thread: These are now sold out. Thank you to everyone who supported this awesome release. All money from this Distort release is being pumped right back into the next RG release.

We use winuae to run octamed as well as nestopia on a stock asus 901 eeepc for what it's worth. Not really sure if this answers anything. big_smile

Ok, so after a little detective work I found this: http://8bc.org/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=354260

I have more of a problem with them using a circular image to promote the album as though it's a vinyl. That to me is misleading.

I remember hearing about an artist named 8-bit weapon back in '96-'97 within the midwest hardcore scene. That's actually how my friends and I found out about you!

It happens and it's nothing to worry about. There would be a serious problem if they "remixed" all of your tunes without you knowing.


(31 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

...but seriously, Octamed!


(31 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

...might be referring to the current pattern line compared to the others (?)

Welcome to Wisconsin.



(31 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

oh man this is nice...now let's see one for Octamed