(72 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Nevermind me, I haven't slept and that was funnier in my head.


(72 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I believe this program should be called "your nuts".

PNES + your nuts = ????


(72 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I second that.

Is there anyway to have it as a side-function, built into PNES? Maybe have it automatically placed as notes on the tracker grid?

Just brainstorming here...


(19 replies, posted in Releases)

@ everyone: these are almost gone!


(2 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

http://www.discogs.com/Davros-vs-Unibom … se/1453582

...Track B2


(19 replies, posted in Releases)

Email sent!

@ Facundo: I didn't see your email on the mailing list. PM me the correct email and I'll add you/send you the correct password/ordering info/etc. As far as handing a copy to Dise, I don't talk to him personally but Ty might.

@ Everyone: Links might help huh?


Also, if you are not on the mailing list yet you can register at http://www.radiograffiti.org for free. STAY CONNECTED!


(19 replies, posted in Releases)

Hey folks! The email is going out tonight.

Get ready!

I sense another meme thread coming in 3...2...


(19 replies, posted in Releases)

12" Slab of brutal Amigacore. Flawed masterpiece. Not available in the Radiograffiti store.

Limited to 150 total, we have 50 of the one pictured here. 100 come in a plain white sleeve available elsewhere.

Radiograffiti mailinglist members have first crack at this and it should be gone by this time next week.

This is highly illegal. That is all. Stay hardcore.


(6 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)



I always thought this was unique enough to stand on it's own merit.

This reminds me of a story...

Back in the mid-to-late 90's there was a program for the Amiga called "Music Assembly", but it was abbreviated to "Music Ass" every time I saw mention of it. For years I thought the program was literally called "Music Ass".

I change my tracker submission to: Music Ass.

Nuts 2 Butts: The Tracker.


(58 replies, posted in General Discussion)


1. Get Drunk
2. Get Drunker
3.Take 20min and write a new G-rated song for this.
4. Call it: "Up Yours, Sydney".
5. Go on tv.
6. ???


(58 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Stalin's got Austria.


(58 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The ONLY person that can get away with this is 10k. Anyone else will fuck it up.

Just be LOUD, PVNK, and most of all, WEIRD.

This thread goes hand in hand with nonfinite's thread about the "silent population", or in this case not-so-silent.

The situation here proves a good point, someone got drunk, said you suck, and now there's a playground discussion on facebook/message boards for the world to see when really, it should have been ignored or escalated to ultra-violence.

I wouldn't want to admit to being a part of this scene either. That's my :45 sec analysis.