(41 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

http://www.djtransformer.com/shop/produ … product=36 I thought he meant he was using this one. It fucked up on me several times. And he still didn't reply to the question on the last page about whether or not he's using USB.

Next time I dish out advice, I'll make sure to PM you first.


(15 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

I started out, like most of us bedroom beatmakers, using Fami and even after like 3 years I never did once make a worthwhile tune. It's sounding nice already, but a bridge or a nice alternate chorus or a bit of Steel Panther imitation like VR said would do it nicely.


(41 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Yeah, it will, but as long as you have a back-up of your .sav file on your computer then just load it back on and you'll be fine. If the cartridge itself is corrupt, as long as you have that .sav file (and maybe a .gb file too) then just load it onto a new cartridge. Maybe this time don't search with your eyes closed and get something that isn't EMS. If you have abit of spare money to dish out for shipping, then go here - http://www.djtransformer.com/shop/produ … roduct=21. All of his other shit is, well, shit but his USB carts are surprisingly reliable. I got two a few year ago and neither of them have got faulty on me yet. I even spilled beer inside one of them this one time and it still works fine.

So for anyone that uses Renoise and hasn't heard, there's a new add-on for owners of 2.8. As I can't find a full free version of it myself as £50 is just too steep even if I did have a job, it looked good. But I have no idea what it does. My initial thought was that it turned your pattern board into something similar to a live playlist, or at least give it the function. I only downloaded it a few days ago, so I'll figure out. Maybe you guys give it a go too cause apparently it's supposed to be "really helpful" :v

Download and information - http://www.renoise.com/tools/cells


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

KeFF wrote:

For the summer gigs.
Still waiting for another mini KP

Sounds like this http://soundcloud.com/kephf/keff-am-nasty

so sick so dangerous

good lads

this sounds gay

i get that alot

one time this lad in town knew me as that guy who makes blippy bloppy music. it was a proud day i must say. all my previous accomplishments became void.


(178 replies, posted in Collaborations)

I could do Body Movin', I'll whip up a few stems now


Have a look about for some links, some information, somewhere to put your feet up.
Get back to us if you're interested in putting us in one of those, as you call it, "webshows" (ingenious by the way)



(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

There's Chipfest 7 coming up, and also SuperByte in Manchester and some other stuff, some big stuff with some big names such as Henry Homesweet and Dubmood

FUNF @ The Roadhouse, Manchester - Saturday 7th July - 7.00pm

This is an unorthodox bill, an electro-pop gig meets a surge of 8-bit waves. I'm on first and then there are three electro-pop bands: The Imogen Styles, The Fevers, Saltylips and one more band to be booked whenever they get round to it.

Good drink offers and hours full of lightspeed, top notch music so get down and have a good time.

we're just lucky

i can get you a backdoor pass if that's your treacle me old china

was also trying to find the paypal button to put on something but i don't have any website that's mine that supports editable html codec

because the free download is on Sociopath, the net label i've been with for absolute years, and the downloads there still come back to me in a good way. and if i set i price i can count how much i can make depending on the people, with an open donation i don't know if it'll make a quid from 50 people or 50 quid from one person