Congratulations everyone, such a great release. Well worth the wait!!
113 Feb 28, 2014 6:28 am
Re: Are You a Boy or a Girl? - Various Artists - Free Download (13 replies, posted in Releases)
114 Feb 20, 2014 1:07 am
Re: looking for some cc on my latest LSDJ track (2 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)
This is sounding pretty good! The bass does sound a little quiet so you could probably turn the vol. up on it a little bit. The percussion stuff is really clear and sounds good, but you may try experimenting with different rhythms, and maybe even different sounds as well.
Hope this helps, good work so far. Cheers man!
115 Feb 19, 2014 6:40 am
Re: "We've Landed" - Alone In The Universe (1 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)
Not bad guys! 2 things I'd like to point out, if I may:
1) Don't overuse arps to the point of it sounding monotonous. There weren't too many cases of this though.
2) In addition, it would be great to hear different ways in which different instruments can harmonize together as well as play solo, to help keep it fresh. For example: 1:51-2:03 was a cool shift from the upbeat drumming heard previously, but I felt the abundance of arps in the chip (was this NES or LSDJ you were using?) sound weighed this section down just a tad.
Regardless, you guys are sounding good so far, looking forward to the rest!
116 Feb 2, 2014 7:20 am
Re: [removed] (52 replies, posted in General Discussion)
No order
-Final Fantasy IX
-Final Fantasy Tactics
-Kirby Super Star
-Sonic 3 & Knuckles
-Shining Force II
-Pokemon Gold/Silver
-Tales of Destiny II
-Super Mario Bros. 3
-Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey/Tara's Adventure
-Dragon Warrior VII
-LoZ:Ocarina of Time
-LoZ:Majora's Mask
-Legend of Mana
-Digimon World 2
-Yoshi's Island
-Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
117 Jan 30, 2014 5:36 pm
Re: BRKfest 2014 now taking applications [August, Cincinnati OH, USA] (29 replies, posted in Past Events)
I applied a few days ago. Can't wait to jerk all those circles.
118 Jan 30, 2014 5:30 pm
Re: [SP Records] Sharkpeople Records Mixtape No. I (98 replies, posted in Collaborations)
I'm still interested and have something I'm working on. I'll send it to you once it's finished.
119 Jan 30, 2014 1:31 am
Re: OUT NOW: the long goodbye (18 replies, posted in Releases)
I didn't know this has been out for a month already. Derp. xD.
Regardless, Doxic, this is really nicely done. I feel as though this album really pushes atmosphere and openness as opposed to closed space and more concrete song structure. I'm usually not a fan of that, but what you have come up with is very charming and simply irresistible.
Excellent, excellent work. Also, I would to share this on my FB page, if I may.
120 Jan 15, 2014 6:09 am
Re: Fixing a cracked DMG screen... (7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Actually, I think I'm getting pcb and just the screen mixed up. Nevermind me. X_X
121 Jan 15, 2014 5:57 am
Re: Fixing a cracked DMG screen... (7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Okay, I thought that might be the case...
Does anywhere sell just the front pcbs?
Under replacement screens. Fantastic store, btw.
122 Jan 2, 2014 2:26 am
Re: "Pure Trash" - KOOL SKULL (28 replies, posted in Releases)
SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:I wish people would stop using that fad known as the Internet and start releasing physical shit again. This record in 12" would be the shit.
123 Dec 20, 2013 5:59 pm
Re: [US, NY] 12/20 - KICK.SNARE: SPUNKY BREWSTER, CORSET LORE, BINARPILOT (17 replies, posted in Past Events)
Oh man, if I lived in NYC I'd be all over this. Kick a bunch of ass guys.
124 Dec 19, 2013 5:04 pm
Re: Upcoming Releases (617 replies, posted in Releases)
My debut EP titled Battle Jazz Classics is out now on Bandcamp. It is Name Your Price until the 26th of December.
The name Battle Jazz came from Mikeeteevee on noisechannel who called one of my tracks as such. I liked the term so much that it became my album title . Hope you all like it!
125 Dec 16, 2013 12:56 am
Re: Dance chip vinyl (13 replies, posted in General Discussion)
IAYD/Sievert split. Really pricey tho.
126 Dec 9, 2013 2:27 am
Re: Would you accept a record deal offer? (28 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Personally, I'm trying to do most of my promotion/show booking/composing(obviously)/record production/everything basically, as DIY.
If a record label offered me a contract to sign with them, then they would have to a trustworthy label that has their interests in promoting me and my music and image, what have you, and not some greedy corporate pigs that want to use me to make a bunch of money.
I'm getting better at writing more frequently, and I've learned that working towards a deadline can actually help with this in some cases, though it depends on the situation of course. I would not be opposed to doing something like: 2 full lengths in 3 years with consistent touring and getting paid a reasonable amount to do so. And, like defPREMIUM said, as long as the label making the offer is genuinely interested in ME and My Music and interested in helping me grow as an artist (kind of like a mentor of sorts), then they have my attention and would be willing to negotiate a deal.
Until that day comes, I'm staying DIY as much as possible. Thankfully, with websites like this one, ucollective, noise channel, soundcloud, bandcamp, and the internet in general, it has been easier to get your music across to the general public than it used to be. So, we'll see!
127 Dec 9, 2013 2:02 am
Re: WeeklyTreats 2014 Full Zip Now on BC ! (87 replies, posted in Releases)
I wish I could've gotten a spot last year, but I'm hoping to get my shot at it this time! So excited!!
128 Nov 24, 2013 11:24 pm
Re: Kitten Paw Compo Issue#2 *OUT NOW* (24 replies, posted in Collaborations)
I would like to submit something for this. I have something very spastic in mind for it.