Oh and Delek, the DX7, DX7iiFD, DX7iiD, DX21, DX27, and DX100 are not multitimbral unfortunately. And I don't think the DX9 is either, but never confirmed for myself.

Yes the QY70 rules, and I just use QY data filer for transferring, seems to be easy and painless.


Really? I could never get it to work correctly on the tx81z or ys200/b200. Hmmmmm. I sold the tx81z, but still own a y200 and b200. I'll have to try that out again!

I couldnt get multitimbral to function on the Korg DS-8 either even though its supposed to be able to do it.

Delek wrote:

All FM synths by YAMAHA are multi-timbral. My YS200 is awesome, FL Studio + MIDI + YS200 =

Does the PSS-580 have a midi in? I have a 560 and there is no midi on it.

Jellica wrote:

Yamaha PSS-580 as well?

Oh ok cool! And I assume the CZ-1 is 8 part multimbral then, since it has the onboard 8 track sequencer??

Hello, my name is Carl and I love synthesizers. More specifically, multitimbral synths. For those who aren't familiar with what "multitimbral" means, it's a really sweet feature. To put it simply, you can compose full songs with just one synth. For example, take the Yamaha FB-01, which is probalby the most inexpensive and coolest multitimbral synth there is. The FB-01 can playback 8-voices, meaning you can play 8 notes at the same time. However, since it has multitimbral capability, you can assign different midi channels to each voice and control them independently. The easiest and most straight forward setup would be to assign one voice to midi channels 1 through 8. So, essentially you have 8 independent monophonic synths in one rack unit. How I set it up is for channel 1 to allow for 2 voices, channel 2 to allow for 2 voices, and then channel 3 to allow for 4 voices. This  gives the option for a bass line (with extra voice for layering), a lead line (with extra voice for layering), and a chord sequence to all be going on at the same time and independent of each other.

Or an even simpler example, MIDINES is a 5 part multimbral (5 voice) synth (2 pulse channels, 1 triangle, 1 Noise, 1 sample channel).

I think its pretty sweet that you can have just one synth unit, hook up a midi cable and write a full song on it. And then just record the stereo out, without having to multitrack each part. I wish all synths could do that! Also, it makes it nice for live use if planning to use the actual synth. You would just need a midi sequencer to playback the midi file and the one synth unit. smile A pretty nice live solution when wanting to use actual hardware.

So I figured to compile a list of synths that have this feature because I have always had interest in them, and its very useful to know if the keyboards have multitimbral capabilities. Maybe some of you can use this a quick reference guide. And feel free to post about ones I have not yet mentioned, and I will add it to the list! smile

Feel free to post any questions you may have if you want to enter the wonderful world of multitimbral synths!!

List of Multitimbral Synths:

Ensoniq ESQ1/ESQ-M/SQ-80
-8 voice, 8 parts
-one of my favs! smile

Ensoniq VFX/SD-1
-21 voice, 12 parts

Ensoniq TS-10/TS-12
-32 voice. 12 parts

Yamaha PSS-680 *under $100!*
-portasound keyboard, sb16 sound chip!
-16 voice I  believe, 16 parts

Yamaha FB-01 *under $100!*
-8 voice, 8 parts

Yamaha TX802
-16 voice,  8 parts
-upgraded DX7ii in a rack unit! super sweet!

-Yamaha QY70/QY100 *$100 or less!*
-portable GM unit !!
-32 voice, 16 parts

-Yamaha YS200/B200
-8 voice, 8 parts

-Yamaha FS1R
-32 voice, 4 parts

Roland MT-32 *under $100!*
-8 voice, 9 parts

Roland JV-1010
-64 voice, 1/2 space rack
-16 part multimbral

Roland JV-2080
-64 voice, 16 part

Roland U-220
-30 voice, 6 part

Roland XV-5080
-128 voices, 16 part

Roland PMA-5
-handheld with stylus!
-28 voice, 16 part

Casio VZ-1/VZ-10
-16 voice, 8 parts

Casio CZ-1
-8 voice, 8 parts

Alesis Micron
-8 voice, 8 parts

Alesis Ion
-8 voice, 4 parts

-NES required
-5 voice, 5 parts


(26 replies, posted in Releases)

thank you much! smile

TetrisEffect wrote:

So gnarly Dude fantastic work, "space crime continuum" is well f??kin rad!


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yoooooooooooo, jefftheworld killin it!


(26 replies, posted in Releases)

Yo! Big ups to CHIPTUNES=WIN for doing a write-up on this album!!! And I still have some cd's left!! smile

http://chiptuneswin.com/blog/chipwin-te … rez-waldo/

yooooooooooo !


(13 replies, posted in Releases)



(29 replies, posted in Collaborations)

There will be some tracks coming out from the Planet Zaxxon peeps, (OxygenStar/Steady C) that was made with ms-dos. Steady C has put out a rather quirky album that was made on one Nintendo only, using MIDINES:


JodyBigfoot wrote:

yeah man, thats why im doing it ha ha.
I feel like i can do somethig different and our first album wasnt on hardware but with software on a mac

im allready well into the foundation of a gameboy album very much like you say smile
only got gameboys atm but would love to do one with other platforms like you suggest
never heard music made specifically on dos! gimme some examples bro!


(29 replies, posted in Collaborations)

I still feel there really needs to be more "actual" rapping on actual hardware such as atari ste, amiga, sb16/msdos, etc. (for example, not rapping about video games in every line). I am amazed that there is not! At the end of the day, it's just hip hop with a different style of production!

There is great information about MS-DOS and IDE to CF drives/SSD's in this post that I mentioned in my first response! smile

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/8892/ … msdossb16/

Added Roland M-VS1 Synth Rack for sale !!! smile

Yes floppy is fine if you are just planning to move small files, such as Adlib Tracker II songs/instruments. But if you get into sample tracking, they can start to take up a lot more space for a floppy.