i'd be interested depending on how much it pays, as 4-5 tracks in 10 days is a lot of work, if you care about quality at least.

here's the soundcloud i se tup for my more VGMish tunes. i think city spikes might be the closest to the kind of sound you're looking for, since i haven't really done any 20s ish jazz tracks.


(8 replies, posted in Collaborations)

an0va wrote:

I'd be willing to do it, but at the very least for a little cash. :evil smile:

there's always someone less talented willing to do it for less money. which really sucks.


(22 replies, posted in Audio Production)

just wanted to say i'm kinda sad no one gave a shit about this

sad trumpet etc


(22 replies, posted in Audio Production)

The Silph Scope wrote:

You need to have a beard, for maximum BRK.

i just want to mention my body looks weirder than usual because i'm wearing 4 hoodies because of something i heard as a stage technique in The Art of 16 Bars.

as for all of this business going on here

it sounds like you're going down the path of 'chipbreak for the sake of chipbreak'. i'd say a good 90% of people who make chipbreak are in the same boat, so i guess that's okay.

i've been doing this shit since '03/'04, because, as cheesy as it sounds, it's what's been in my heart. that's important to this kind of thing, to me at least.

here are some tips for avoiding generic chipbreak, although i'm pretty sure that isn't your goal:

there's hundreds of breaks, the amen is just one of them, and there's all kinds of variation on even just the amen. look up stuff like 'jungle breaks sample pack' 'drum n bass drum samples' etc on google.

you don't have to use just one break, i usually have at least 8 different breaks per track. learn to layer drums. have a steady, loud main beat, and use the space around that for chopping.

repetition is death. change things early and often. treat the lead melodies like a solo that lasts the whole song. change the key, the structure, the tempo, the feeling, whatever, as the song progresses. try to make something where, if you played the first 30 seconds and the last 30 seconds of it for someone, they wouldn't think it was the same song.

keep your ears open for samples, all the time.

use synthesis methods from all kinds of console hardware (i routinely mix pulse waves, PWM, FM Synthesis, etc), then mix that with more modern sounds.

don't limit yourself to ANYTHING. DON'T set out to do something specific. let the medium take you along with it. be ready to abandon ideas that don' fit, because forcing them won't work. i said this on twitter the other day while working on a new track: "the reason i love writing music is because you're constantly approaching a blank canvas and surprising yourself." so just constantly experiment with sounds, melodies, chord changes, etc. eventually you'll stumble onto something amazing.

put some heart into it.

i think that's all i've got. maybe this'll be a good example, maybe it won't, but it's at least what i think chipbreak should be like.

hope this helps at least one person.

is there going to / could there be any kind of vst/au/plugin/whateveritwouldbe software? i'm not sure how to explain it, but basically, something like VOPM, but specifically for setting the operators and such on a channel?

wait why are you at the bottom on that lineup, that doesn't make any damn sense

someone bring me out so i can be there

i'll do embarrassing things for it

why don't you guys just start learning mml/xpmck? i promise it's not that hard


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i fuckin hate this guy


(83 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

celsius wrote:
herr_prof wrote:

He is still fufilling orders, but its sorta of a crapshoot. You might be better off waiting for fami, or getting a copy of MGB.

I'm about to reach my 5 year anniversary since I ordered mine. What is the traditional 5 year anniversary gift for a scammer? Paper? A punch in the face?

5th year is wood, so use a baseball bat


(83 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

nickmaynard wrote:

the midines is cool but i think an arduinoboy controlling mgb (or lsdj) + some sort of drum machine is much cooler.

why is it cooler


(25 replies, posted in Releases)

akira^8GB wrote:
HolyNegative0 wrote:

A nice little Discovery we've made here, isn't it?

Oh come on go away with those jokes, we're human after all anyway...

sorry i didn't hear you, could you say that one more time?

you need a guitar that can sync to lsdj

damn it got taken down already


(71 replies, posted in General Discussion)

herr_prof wrote:
peter from facebook wrote:

Nerds should feel the way about BBT the same ways blacks feel about Amos and Andy.

word. such an annoying show.

wait i mean this topic is dumb as fuck