
(109 replies, posted in Atari)

fedepede04 wrote:

-  can have both plus and minus values. eg 0,3,7 or 0,-3, -7 even mix values

you would need to sort of transpose it to do negatives. for 0 -3 -7 you would make the note 7 steps lower, then use 7 4 0. but that would only work in a table setting, and not in an arp command (because it would be the equivalent of 7 11 7, or 0 4 0 if you went back up to the original pitch.)

to use it in a command, you'd have to make it start on the bottom note. so say you want a C4 descending arp at 0 -3 -7. what you would do is transpose the note down to F3. this is the equivalent of starting at -7. this is the last note in the descending arp, so the first number would be 7, or C4. C4 minus -3 notes would be A2, which is F3 +4.

which would make the command:

F3 C4 A2
0   7   4

the highest note is still C4 and the lowest note is still F3, and it descends in the right order, it just can't START at the highest note.


(3 replies, posted in Collaborations)

put it in your butt.



(9 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)

propog8rs gonna propog8


(39 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Chainsaw Police wrote:

25% pulse width
C 07 command

swag me the fuck out

grow up!


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

looks really crowded on my netbook. but so does most everything.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

my word!



(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

the only thing i can think of, and only because you didnt specify otherwise: are you trying to use the USB port to transfer data? because the USB is only for powering the transferer, and the data needs to be transfered through the serial port


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

i thought fez was done by 6955

well i'm glad i won't be the one that needs to tell him to shut the fuck up for once


(6 replies, posted in Sega)

if youre not going to try to help someone help you i might as well just say blow on it

isn't it technically 3bits?


(56 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(64 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i started laughing as soon as the beat dropped on the first rap track

throw your hands up! throw your hands up! throw your hands up!
awww yeaaaaa!


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

a million dollars


(23 replies, posted in Releases)

usually i start to download something and then i stop it because i realize i'm never gonna get around to listening to it, but this is DOWNLOADED AS HELL