(64 replies, posted in General Discussion)

also robots vomit oil / brian green / etc and all kinds of sabrepulse stuff. This was back before I even got on 8bc though, so I dunno how fresh it is in everyone's memories


(64 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

Just make sure you don't list TV Death Squad bc he gave us all those sample kits to make up for it instead of apologizing so it's almost like he didn't pretend to be Random with a keytar.

I was trying to remember that guy's name. He did the whole chris brown thing like "yeah, I did it, it's in the past, let's talk about what i'm doing now"


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

How the fuck does this have less posts than anything else in the releases forum


(16 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Just bumping this back up!


(16 replies, posted in Collaborations)

venoSci wrote:

is it only handheld heroes guys?
or can anyone submit stuff?

anyone can submit.


(16 replies, posted in Collaborations)



(16 replies, posted in Collaborations)

It's off to a great start, clearly!

Okay, so a ways back I did a radio show where I had to fill up 2 hours of time with music. So I did a live set, a mix of my influences, and a mix of chip stuff. I really like the way that turned out, so I kind of want to do it more often.

So here's the main idea: at the end of each month, I want to put out a mix made up of new stuff, as sort of a promotional tool for the artists on it. New releases, tracks from upcoming releases, just stuff you finished and don't know what to do with, send it to me! I won't be able to use everything, but if it's good I'll try to figure out how to fit it in.

I'm not sure where I'm going to host these, but they'll be available for free, as a single track, with an accompanying text file with the track list and artist links.

You can send links, download codes, whatever, to saskrotch or handheldheroes at gmail, or PM me here.

Let's see if I manage not to abandon this project!


(55 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Haven't killed myself yet!

At least give me a chance to write an essay about the inflation of shock value in (almost) 2014 before you close it!

Also I dunno how self-promotional it is, he doesn't... really do anything? But most other terms that start in self- (involved, indulgent, etc) would work.

I'm in this year, again. Gonna try to make it past February.


(70 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(70 replies, posted in General Discussion)

whenever I want to date a girl, I think to myself "It needs to be someone that I'll see at events all the time after we break up"


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

how can i be sabrepulse

SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:

¿Can you imagine a rock band releasing a fuzz only record, then a muff only record, then a clean+phase only record, then a distortion record?

What the fuck are you talking about? You're not good at making valid, coherent points.

herr_prof wrote:

More artist driven records and less genre driven please

Totally agree

But for me, I try to write albums instead of just compilations of tracks I've done (except for a couple times). I always feel like an album should have a specific feel to it, so I tend to group stuff by sound/style.