oh no wonder this thread was at 0 forever, the image link moved itself. this should be stable.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

tRasH cAn maN wrote:
arfink wrote:

Hence the battery should be replaced regularly, at an interval of every year or so at least, considering how fast they drain when used with LSDJ.

It's funny; the original cart I bought in 2001 or so is still running strong without battery replacement.

me too, except 2006

OH mgb is definitely read only! shit brb lol jk

haha okay, i finally found a version that both lets me open files +  read carts. but now, it can't read any folder that i put mgb in. does it freak out if a .gb file isn't a specific size? (mgb is 64k)

i know, i know, it's shitty to have two threads about trasnferer II problems going on simultaneously, but this needed it's own thread (because the other thread title is boring)


(25 replies, posted in Trading Post)

celsius wrote:

For $1500 he'll burn your house.

installed a newer version of the software. opening files works, but now it wont read any of my carts (that can be read with older versions)


(25 replies, posted in Trading Post)

low-gain wrote:
Saskrotch wrote:

i remember that banner!

it remembers you too heart

aw look at that baby face

it wouldn't let me do attrib -h-s-r*.*, so i had to do attrib -h*.*, attrib -s*.*, etc. still no change. even defragged the harddrive just to be safe, nothin doin.


(15 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

of course i haven't, no one should ever use IE


(25 replies, posted in Trading Post)

i remember that banner!

don't even worry about it man we'll do it again sometime. i say next time we meet somewhere we can't play videogames.

kevin i've been dicking around all day with that photon + instajungle.

no idea how to do that. i'm running win98 on that machine, none of that comes up in properties.

so basically, any time i click the Add File(s) button, i get the "File access denied." error. no matter what. whether there's a cart loaded (shows up in the program) or not. i just can't get a damn ROM on this smart cart. once i get the error, i can't do anything in the software except end task.
