(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

but also youtube is filled to the brim with ableton tutorials. some of them are really useful!


(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Mine is for 1.0 so there's commands missing, especially on the DPCM channel, and honestly I've always had a lot of trouble getting other peoples racks to work. Most likely it's a cross platform issue.

The loop back idea is basically so that you can make a midi clip that sends the CC command you need out, and then back through ableton, and acts like when you assign midi commands to something by clicking on it and sending the command. It's a one time set up, then you can just save it as a default als/alp file.


(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I just ended up making my own. This will give you the knowledge you need to build/map your own cc midiracks.

Also not sure if IAC is mac only, or what the equivalent for PC would be.

(Also used this for mGB and SMSM)

Is cmo just a collective blog now?

yeah i definitely had to do that in ableton with this remix i did of one of my old LSDJ tracks (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hECnDZSqdv8)

it was even harder cause there's like 2 tempo changes in it.


(21 replies, posted in Releases)

oh fuck take my money meme

that seems like a lot of work for 18gb when probably 17gb of it was garbage


(88 replies, posted in General Discussion)

walter b. gentle wrote:
Saskrotch wrote:

touch screens are garbage for writing music

well thats just untrue man. damn saskrotch your really grinding my gears!

+ when people don't bother with you're/your


(88 replies, posted in General Discussion)

if you're just jotting down music ideas, use a voice recording app.

touch screens are garbage for writing music


(88 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It doesn't matter what platform you use, a phone is a dumb, shitty way to make music.


(88 replies, posted in General Discussion)

When people use ellipses at the end of a complete thought or sentence.

i used one for my 8-bit operators devo cover

defiantsystems wrote:

Anyone else been using this VST heavily?

i will be if/when a mac version exists

Jazzmarazz wrote:

you will end up with a bowel of white goo.

I feel like someone needs to say it, and I'll be the one if no one else will:

Maybe you're not supposed to write music. If you've been doing it for 6 years and still don't have a grip on it, it doesn't sound like something you enjoy doing. Especially since the first few years are the easiest / most enjoyable, because you don't even realize you're making garbage, you're just excited to be able to say "I wrote a song". As you go on it's going to be much harder to be happy with something you've written. So I dunno, if you've been trying to write since 2007 and are just now asking for help, maybe you're not supposed to do it.

It's okay to just be a fan of music. Not everyone has to do it.

When that shit happens you wait for the sound guy or whoever is running the show to fade them out, you don't just start