(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Don't. Write originals.

you guys are arguing over some fake shit that just got made up

not really a genre as much as a production aesthetic


(4 replies, posted in Collaborations)

check your PMs I think noisewaves PMd you

theghostservant wrote:

20-something guy to some highschoolers, all parties walking past:
"Don't pay him any mind. He just wants attention."

he was right

Our culture is terrible


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

wait, you can drink in the day time?!


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

Well it's for little kids. Kind of like Oregon Trail I think. Once it's up and out there I'll put the link to it in here.


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

thanks! it's pretty silly so i didn't feel right making people pay for it


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

Sarasota Bay Rancho OST

3 tracks, pay what you want

Small, silly, carefree soundtrack for an edutainment game about some dudes from Havana, Cuba that would migrate to Florida to take advantage of post-hurricane season fishing.

Artwork by Xue Thao and Jameson Wilkins

TSC wrote:
Victory Road wrote:

rush hour was alright tbh

Chris Tucker.

they probably all look the same to you

you can use a different instrument without a note instead of an E command, or use an instrument with automated tables for F commands.

or you can just not use triplets, whatever


(17 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)



(99 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Why is this still going on

i still can't figure out what you thought he meant


(99 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Infinity Curve wrote:
Bleepicheep wrote:

I was thinking. The most famous people have weird pseudonyms.
Eminem, for instance. That's a candy. C'mon. I'm not dissing him, but really.

Umm, Marshall Mathers

also chocolate on the inside amirite