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Search options (Page 93 of 181) / Forums / Posts by Saskrotch
Topics by Saskrotch
Posts found: 1,473-1,488 of 2,887
i dunno if this has been addressed, but are there any plans to be able to navigate folders while loading instruments? i have a ton of y12 files, they're ripped from games, and set up like Game->Level->1.y12, 2.y12, 3.y12 etc.
when i try to open a folder, it loads it as a blank instrument, and there doesn't seem to be a way to go further back in a directory.
i'm gonna say no just to put some balance in this thread
SKGB wrote:when someone makes a song shitting on your culture
yugioh is gayer
and that's from a dude who doesn't like dubstep
facebook link just takes me to the events i've been invited to. is it set to private / friends only?
also aren't the lame boyz called dream fox now
All the "chat codes" Gilbert runs when he starts losing
>Weapons Override
>Nullify Opponents
>God Mode
>Enhanced Potency
>Ripple Time
>Demux Parameters
>Unlimited Strength
>Unlimited Running
>Testicular Fortitude
>Giraffe Mode
>Enhanced Knowledge
>Potion Skills
>Max Inventory
>Unlimited Running
>Intestinal Fortitude
>Resperitory Powers
>Infinite Regeneration
>No Fall Damage
>Nuclear Health
Dammit that was just the first part.
-Egg Treatment
-Blue Poultry
-The Chicken Lady
-Forest Fungus
-Wild Children
-Trippy Potions
-Sawing Small Trees
-Carpenter Camps
-Broken Swords
-Giant Rock Monster
-Frog Prescriptions
-Vision Medication
-Brick Vouchers
-Extra Large Swords
-Egg Treatment
(loops back to the beginning)
Super nerd style, i transcribed the list of topics Hilda has information on:
-Other Parrot
-Frog Extinction
-Magic Carpet
-Rocket Ship
-Ladder Bug
-Hidden Pipe
-Subcon Vase
-Magic Flute
-Star Zone
-Dark Queen
-Channel Wood
-Space Ship
-Old Man Trainer
-Fly on a Bird
-Cinnamon Island
-Seal Along the Shore
-Black Lightning
-Wing Hat
-Magic Feather
-Raccoon Clothes
-Running Jump
-Collect All Blue Coins
-Island of Annoying Voices
-Hot Tub End Boss
-Mustached Mushroom
-Bell Toss
-Charged Fireball
-Time Bombs
-Rock Punch
-Blue Fire
-Green Fire
-Purple Fire
-Boring Regular Old Fire
-Flying War Ships
-Clown Face Helicopter
-Teeter Totter Flying Floor
-Unstable Bath
-Impervious to Lava
-Underwater Exploration
-Hover Puppy
-Giant Ant Dance Club
-Good Karma Quests
-Fun Murder Quests
-Unkillable Bears
-Antiphysics Horse
-Bubble Attack
-Leaf Attack
-Time Freeze Attack
-Metal Blade Attack
in b4 donna summer tribute comp
Decktonic wrote:You know, I thought you were saying "EP" like a music EP, and I was really confused. Episode makes more sense.
I haven't been watching community regularly, only seen a few bits, but I would watch this.
it's MUCH better if you follow it regularly. It rewards you for paying attention, like arrested development did
Timbob wrote:That looks awesome
More 16 bit then 8 bit tho... But hey, who's counting.
Should be fun!
yeah i mentioned that on twitter with the hash tag #FormerViewer, which is a joke only for super fans (nerds)
some images that might not be hot-linkable, and i won't be able to tell if they aren't so hush
if they're not hotlinkable
I usually hate this kind of thread BUT I love Community. You guys should too, because it's a show FOR nerds, instead of about them.
I'm really excited to see how this fits in with the show, because Dan Harmon always tries to keep Community SOMEWHAT grounded in reality. (An example for hardcore viewers: in the first fake clip show, when the Habitat for Humanity house is destroyed, they cut the line "JEFF SAID HE COULD FLY A PLANE" because that would mean they would've been in a plane crash, and probably in a hospital.)
here's a clip that isn't on youtube so i can't embed it
Also from what i understand, they're going to be showing all three episodes of the rest of the season tonight.
Kokoro wrote:Saskrotch wrote:Yeah either you picked a really bad example track from that album or you're right
Sincerely don't mean to sound snide, but did you listen to the entire song?
yeah. there's like a tiny little bridge section that's ALMOST dubstep, but isn't.
SubWooferSpecial wrote:Sabrepulse is starting to wub as of late as well
last i talked to him he said something along the lines of 'dubstep is dumb and i wish i hadn't made that one dubstep release'
but maybe he changed his mind since then
Posts found: 1,473-1,488 of 2,887 / Forums / Posts by Saskrotch