Well, I'm unfamiliar with utilizing a patched rom. Could you explain, or direct me to a guide?

Yeah, just wondering if anyone had a Pocket music that they didn't use anymore before I went and picked one up off of E-Bay.


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

This is amazing! Music, and video.

Thanks guys for all of the feedback.

@egr That look's pretty promising, I might want to pick up a copy of Pocket Music for my GBC.

@Vaina Moinen It isn't so much as I really want to get into tracker, although I suspect it would be a good experience, so much as I want to use the limited hardware to see what I can produce, and to truly get a chip sound. And I have limited myself before, by like using only 3xOsc in FL Studio, but I still feel like I would get better results from the true experience rather than attempting to self emulate something I have never actually done.

@Nursey Thus far that's what I have been doing as well with FL Studio as far as using only 3xOsc for chip, but I have just been exporting it from FL.

So yeah, I have always wanted to actually use a gameboy and not make fake-bit, but I just can't for the life of me get into trackers.
I have always been much more comfortable in a piano roll situation. So is there something like that out there that you guys know of?
I would just really love to stay with the format I'm comfortable with, but impose the limitations that make it truly chip.

sleepytimejesse wrote:

I'm liking the amount of FL love in this thread... maybe we don't have to hide anymore

I know right? I felt like I was fake or something.

Which I guess it IS Fake-Bit, but thats beside the point.

That's strange, I don't know what to tell you, I'm pretty sure everyone stayed in that big group e-mail; I don't see why you would've dropped off.

Sorry! Did you give me your e-mail? That was where most of the communication took place.

I had a great time with this too Hypnogram, thanks for joining in!

Thanks DBOYD! We are all very proud of what we produced.

So yeah, pretty straight forward. I'm just wondering what you guys prefer as a debut release.
I get that you personally have only ever released one debut release, but out of all of the debuts you have heard what leaves the best impression? A single, so you get just a taste; an EP so that you get a few songs to weigh as a whole, or a whole album?

Is there just a unanimous preference that I am missing, or is it just personal preference?

Thanks! We all poured a ton into it!

It has finally been released!

After months of production the Poke'mon Collaboration Album featuring 15 Artists and 14 Tracks is out!
And on the day that the first Poke'mon Game was Released, no less!

Free Download!

In this album we have an incredibly diverse line-up of music from a diverse group of musicians. This release has taken a while, but the music inside is certainly worth the wait to hear what has been prepared by this line-up. So go, take a listen, and a free download!

Track List:

Wage Their Battles - Venasaur (Photosynthesis: Final Stage)

DESUMATE - Gengar (Dream Eater)

Ateno - Jolteon (Discharge)

kfaraday - Marill (Gender Is Not A Binary)

Boy Without Batteries - Pikachu (Volt Tackle)

stinkbug - Tropius (Neckfruit Kingdom)

FearofDark - Gastly

Super Gammy Boy - Cubone

Hypnogram - Hypno (Future Sight)

Mostly Toast - Cyndaquil

KVNGRS - Mudkip (I herd you leik this song)

AuburnKitsune - Togepi (4EVR u n me, Togepi)

Pikmin205 and GeneralKlengton - Magnemite (HRT*BT)

Boddrick - Mewtwo (Recover)

Shout Out to TAKart! For doing some incredible album art for us, on such a short notice!


(617 replies, posted in Releases)

The months in creation Poke'mon Collaboration, "Are You A Boy Or A Girl", is finally to be released!

It will be released on the 27th on a BandCamp page; also watch the release forum for a post about it.
The date chosen is the date that the first Poke'mon game was released; it is to commemorate the occasion!

https://variousartistscollaboration.ban … -or-a-girl

This is more electronic and less chip, but none the less I still figure I could get some wonderful feedback on it's structure.
I have been trying to improve my songs' structures as of late; with this particular track I think I have improved it's structure, but I find that I think I end up reusing melodies too often, and so I end up with a repetitive track without enough variation in both what you're hearing and when you're hearing it.


CC concerning the structure, and anything else you find needing improvement much appreciated.


(617 replies, posted in Releases)

Edit: Double-Post


(617 replies, posted in Releases)

I have my debut Single titled 'Spe Enim Novum Principium' coming out at some point in the future. Should be pretty soon.