haha with 4 days notice...? and how much does it cost to get to Sydney? :') honestly I'd love to, but financially...
113 Mar 10, 2015 6:08 am
Re: NOISEFLOOR_Syd, Australia feat. GoTo80 (14 March 2015) (4 replies, posted in Past Events)
114 Mar 9, 2015 8:20 pm
Re: NOISEFLOOR_Syd, Australia feat. GoTo80 (14 March 2015) (4 replies, posted in Past Events)
I'm living in Melbourne.
115 Mar 8, 2015 11:04 pm
Re: NANOLOOP TECHNO WORK-OUT (6 replies, posted in Releases)
Man, nice jam!
116 Mar 7, 2015 10:44 pm
Re: Anyone interested? Giving back: my studio is your studio (13 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Which Akai do you have? Are you into boom bap?
I have an Akai S3000xl, and I'd never heard of boom bap, but I think I've unintentionally been making it! haha
117 Mar 7, 2015 1:36 am
Re: Anyone interested? Giving back: my studio is your studio (13 replies, posted in General Discussion)
This is an awesome idea!!! I was planning on doing something similar but running samples and loops through my Akai Sampler, but I realised that's kinda pointless to most people :')
But I think this is brilliant and I'm definitely interested!!
As for a way to transfer, have you considered dropbox.com?
118 Feb 26, 2015 9:56 am
Re: How do you write melodies? (29 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I generally have three ways. I use them for melodies, counter melodies and basslines:
1. For gameboy and other trackers I love doing this one. I do the melody blind. I choose a rough rhythm and place random notes, depending on where I want it to build to. So, if I want it exciting in the mid part I'll just make the rhythm faster and the notes getting higher. This usually gives something pretty unexpected which is normally surprisingly good and provides some nice ideas.
2. I jam on guitar or keys and record it. Once recorded, I choose small melodic phrases and loops, either build on them or loop them (basically sampling them). This again can give some nice ideas.
3. Probably my favourite one though is to sing or hum. To find in my head a melody that comes naturally (this is especially good for lyrics) and to put that in. This most often gives little flourishes that I wouldn't normally put in a melody when programming, and makes it sound much more natural and exciting!
Nice topic idea! I'm keen to hear what everyone does!
119 Jan 15, 2015 6:49 am
Re: Programs for writing .mid files? (16 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
Ah that would do it!! Thanks
120 Jan 14, 2015 1:42 am
Re: Programs for writing .mid files? (16 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
Just recently found a legal and free DL for Cakewalk 3 (strictly midi).
This is a way old version (Win 3) BUT stills runs and does well on Win 8 (32bir) systems. There is also other info and DLs that may help you there.
I tried this but it failed to install several times, saying that it couldn't open a disk... any ideas? have I forgotten to install something?
121 Dec 3, 2014 4:22 am
Re: How do you feel about the band called Crying? (69 replies, posted in General Discussion)
generally unless its immediate family, crying people are always an awkward situation
The truth in this quote is being severely underappreciated
But seriously, I dig them. The vocals sometimes brush me the wrong way a little bit, but on the whole, excellent. Still prefer the likes of noisewaves and revengineers though.
122 Nov 19, 2014 3:04 am
Re: I need something to make me laugh (19 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Kinda chiptune related I guess
123 Nov 15, 2014 4:24 am
Re: Saving LSDJ Songs on Gameyob (6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I spent waaay too long wondering how anyone could possibly make that typo.
I'm going to use gameyob from now on. Sounds so much more rad.
124 Nov 12, 2014 5:49 am
Re: Blank LSDJ SAV After Transfer (6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I'm not 100% certain, but I'm fairly sure that the derp cart doesn't work like a thumbdrive, where you can edit the files on there... So, if you want to change the .sav file, you have to move it on to your computer, make the changes, clear the cart completely, and then copy a new .rom and .sav with the same name onto the cart. At least, that's how I have to do it... Probably a better way out there though
125 Nov 8, 2014 2:55 am
Re: the jazzist- new project by Julien Ducourthial aka otro (6 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
Holy damn they're cool!
126 Oct 23, 2014 10:24 am
Re: Current state of online chip music scene? (149 replies, posted in General Discussion)
referring to gentle hurst? used to be sydney fam
if you ever get a chance to cross the bass strait let us know and we can do chiptune stuff m8
Yeah, he's started up again, and it's good to see someone doing stuff, but he's mainly doing it for events run by the Arts program he's in, so it's not really a chip scene as such...
And awesome, sounds rad Should be coming Melbourne way next year hopefully.
127 Oct 23, 2014 9:22 am
Re: Current state of online chip music scene? (149 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I actually avoid talking to strangers about chiptune like the fucking plague. There is nothing more demoralizing that having to explain for the millionth time "What game I'm playing"
This is quite true. I agree a lot... Although, I've personally reverted to saying that it's the punk mentality equivalent for electronic music, and a surprising amount of people get what I mean and move on.
Now, just my two cents: I wasn't really part of the online chip scene back in the "glory days" of 8bc (sad I missed them, I know), however, since joining, I find the online scene here is pretty interesting. Where I am at, there is no such thing as a chiptune scene. There is one guy who gets a few gigs, but mainly through his art, than through his music. I find that because of this, I sometimes lose a lot of motivation to make chip stuff. The online scene may not be super impressive, but it gives enough motivation, and new ideas to keep me getting my gameboy back out, and even buying a megadrive! And that to me is what counts. One of my friends has recently got into chip as well, and having someone else to talk about it to irl makes the stoke even better But the online scene to me is very important to remind me that there are people out there doing rad things, and to inspire me to keep trying. It's inspiring to be around like minded people, but when you can't find them irl, the internet is the next best thing...
So, yeah, that's my two cents... I still think it's more important to make music than to worry about this, but eh, I can't really say that, as here I am posting :') haha
Edit: My point was that even if the online scene isn't as great, it's still enough to keep me going.