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Search options (Page 2 of 18) / Forums / Posts by Puke_Flytalker
Topics by Puke_Flytalker
Posts found: 17-32 of 282
please add this to the rules then because i read over all of them as i joined the site and i just read over them like 3 times in this sitting and it says nothing about off topic threads in general discussion..
also please add a disclaimer that freedom of speech is not acknowledged by the site's moderators and users
since basically your just going to close his threads hes pointless and is just taking up space please delete him
not all of my threads are junk..
not really you are just nitpicking at this point
Bit wish wrote:Puke_Flytalker wrote:umm im pretty sure that "chipmusic everyone needs to have" would fit perfectly in the releases board... just saiyan
Nah, releases are for releases, this isn't a release.
Bit wish wrote:nitro2k01 wrote:We did discuss this when creating the site. We decided specifically not to have an "off-topic" forum, but instead a "general discussion" board for discussions that don't fit into any of the other forums. The difference between "off-topic" and "general discussion" is important. Things in general discussion should still be at least tangentially related to chip music culture or common interests that people might have. If you just want to post the latest joke image you found, go get a tumblr or something. CM as a whole is supposed to be reasonably on topic.
You guys should make a rule for this, so things like this thread don't happen again.
see what i mean.... bit wish you need to lighten up and stop being so judgmental and argumentative
nitro2k01 wrote:We did discuss this when creating the site. We decided specifically not to have an "off-topic" forum, but instead a "general discussion" board for discussions that don't fit into any of the other forums. The difference between "off-topic" and "general discussion" is important. Things in general discussion should still be at least tangentially related to chip music culture or common interests that people might have. If you just want to post the latest joke image you found, go get a tumblr or something. CM as a whole is supposed to be reasonably on topic.
the reason why im not going on /b/ or tumblr or reddit is because i dont feel like dealing with it.. id rather just hit a small community rather than have 80 million people and high traffic to the point where my stuff doesnt even get seen or responded to.. there is really no difference to off-topic and gen disc go visit some forums real quick you will see.. and its really not about my thread getting removed its about people treating it like i made some huge crime against the website by posting a funny picture and having a small amount of uptight people jumping on my back over nothing making remarks and saying "i dont understand how this tread is still up" like i did something wrong...
Bit wish wrote:I believe there is a thread just for people posting random stuff, like a "IRC" thread somewhere here.
But im pretty sure all threads need to be chip music related in some sorts, or at least constructive.
Like for instance, the thread "CHIPMUSIC EVERY ONE NEEDS TO HAVE" thread wouldn't really fit in any other sections.
I don't think there is a general rule about posting non-chip music related stuff but there needs to be to clear things up.
umm im pretty sure that "chipmusic everyone needs to have" would fit perfectly in the releases board... just saiyan
Bit wish wrote:I believe there is a thread just for people posting random stuff, like a "IRC" thread somewhere here.
But im pretty sure all threads need to be chip music related in some sorts, or at least constructive.
Like for instance, ( Im posting this now so you guys can read this after this thread gets closed)
yea but if you go onto like any other forum the gen disc board is usually full of unrelated topics that what its there for.. thats the whole point of having the other boards too so when you are tired of looking at DMG mod threads or whatever you can just go and f00l around in the gen disc board..
i mean dont get me wrong it should be moderated for trolls and spam and hate speech and things of un savory nature but removing a thread with a hilarious pic and random posts that hurt no ones feelings aside from glen beck i mean come on...
Timbob wrote:I'd stand all the random stuff in gen disc. If there was a way to remove it from recent posts. Since that is what I check the most.
i didnt think of that... wayyy better solution than just removing peoples threads and hurting feels or getting rid of the board all together
this mod will happen it needs to i just dont have a 510 connector right now i just solder my last one into a box mod last night..
at this point it sucks because everyone just jumps on everyone else over stupid petty stuff and doesnt realize this is the internet and on the general discussion boards of like every other forum that ever existed on the internet there is such things as random joke threads from time to time... i dont see the point in confusing users of the site with the general discussion board if it doesnt allow general discussion.. my feelings are hurt
Bit wish wrote:Lol well good luck.
why do you think you are so much better than everyone else and make snide remarks and act like a dbag?
since basically your not allowed to have general discussions on this website its pointless and is just taking up space please delete it
well i want to replace the AAs with an 18650 or two 18350s (probably the smarter idea but im going to have to mod a battery cover for them) and a charging circuit for said 3.7v batteries.. also my idea is like this:
(just a mock up lolz)
why does it need to be deleted? its not like im being a dick i just wanted to share a funny pic i found.. im not trolling im not name calling.. its in the general discussion..
mazi wrote:fucking yank
p.s. the mods are idiots
zazi on his grandma's pc cursing all the mods for banning his account because he was acting like a dick to everyone..
i do plan on ordering one of those but its not the same... its just the controller shell with a dna20, rechargable battery pack , 510 connector and a switch/tactile +/-...
i wanna legit be playing like pokemon and be like.. "oh well i think i need to vape" and screw on an atomizer and vape away and then go back to playing pokemon or lsdjing or whatever.. i think the only solution is to mount an additional switch/button
edit: ive also seen wii remotes and other gaming stuff (the shells) turned into e cig mods.. i love it
Posts found: 17-32 of 282 / Forums / Posts by Puke_Flytalker