honestly if i start making money like that and they dont already have usable china clones ill buy one for each system i use because they are that useful

i have no consoles or carts aside form pokemon yellow and a gbc.. i use a PC and a Dingoo and i have a DSi with some homebrew shit.. so yea id have to buy that along with the retron 5 which turns out to be over $200 after shipping and a snes controller.. so it isnt just as easy for everyone to do that and plus like i said if im spending that kinda of money ($78) i want to be getting a case and box and what ever i need to use it right out the box.. if they sold the whole set up for $78 1 or 2gb sd card included id be more apt to spend the money.. but thats not the case.. im not saying anything about the quality and the use of the cart its more of an expensive buy for someone like me.. in the long run im missing out on a lot of this stuff because of the "R&D" labor costs if those even exist.. im not saying that i wont ever buy it its just not attainable price wise for me right now


(676 replies, posted in General Discussion)

dude zazi just boils my blood sometimes cause its like dude if you are going to insult me be creative about and make it funny because just jumbling up obscenities and calling me a fag makes him looking llike a 13 year old.. which i know he isnt 13 cause he was posting on 8bc back in like 2007 basically making the same type of insults towards me and everyone else.. the kid is ignorant..

as for me im trying my hardest to avoid this type of stuff but sometimes i fall into this mode:

it also doesnt help that ive had a lot of down time at my job and i havent been eating right.. ive been getting irritable

yea if imma buy it its gotta have a case and box.. thats just how i am i dont like messing up the expensive stuff i buy

yea i aint trying to buy shit that is board only ill break it or short it out in like 2 seconds... and the snes one i was looking at was 140 for the same type of kit

oh yea and if you dont want a box to protect the $93.00 cart you just bought

dude like im not gonna lie if i was a rich person i would buy 2 of each from stoneagegamer with all the bells and whistles but the fact is even if i just wanted to buy the $93.00 thats how much money i spend on food for the month..


(676 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Puke_Flytalker wrote:

^^^^^^^^case in point


(676 replies, posted in General Discussion)

hold on let me grab my bag of fucks.... shit its empty


(676 replies, posted in General Discussion)


(676 replies, posted in General Discussion)

lsdj is too mainstream i listen to track written on a telegraph now..


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

its under my rap alias "waxface" its call the flypaper mixtape check it out..

im looking for a producer who got dope beats so hmu

http://www.mediafire.com/download/8z5bt … axface.zip

still need beats... ive got over 9000 verses


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

also i want to give a shout out to this guy who taught me HTML basics from this video it was super helpful especially if you want to work from the ground up

dude 8bc wasnt that bad and i only know this from using the uggh.com forums (undergroundhiphop.com)


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yea im mainly looking to host archive files for public download i have jarred hard drives for my personal back up... (which everyone should have)


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yea ive got a few logins on some filesharing sites...


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

so in another words if i used dreamhost id have to think up other data hosting optioins or use my on server.. okok

so what i need now is a reliable photo host who doesnt downgrade quality and i can basically jusy hyperlink to file sharing servers for the rest