(22 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

No it's not homebrew. I'm pretty sure it wasn't released in america though. The Famicom version is the best because it has better music. It has another channel or something like that.


(2 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Can someone please give some CC at least on which version to use?


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Are there any chip concerts in the St. Louis area anytime within the next year or so? I NEVER hear about any going on in this neck of the woods.


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

boaconstructor wrote:

oh wow an aspiring chiptuner from St Louis O__O

Hey! So am I! You got a problem with St. Louis? tongue


(2 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Hey guys, I just made an ambient track with LSDJ and LumiLoops. The static in the background is intentional, but I also made a version without the static.

With Static: http://youtu.be/lXyJUNc6fkY
Without Static: http://youtu.be/rMtWq3mTEY8

I used FL Studio with Nexus for all sounds except drums. Some of the grittier sounding synths were run through Ogun to get that gritty.

By minimalistic, I didn't mean the minimal genre, I meant simple and repetitive, so in this case it does mean repetitive tongue

Sweet thanks, the main reason I didnt do fills and fancy drums is because my style is kinda minimalistic.

Hey guys, I just finished a new track, it's not Chip, but I would like some CC. It's a mix between Trance and Happy Hardcore/Hands Up.



(17 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Pulse for melodies and basslines, Wave for drums *cough*samples*cough*, Noise for nothing lol



(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)



(177 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Vaina Moinen wrote:

Let's get 8BitStealer off of Amazon.

I see what you did there wink

Cool to hear all these different programs!
@somewhat: I totally get what you mean about not finishing stuff lol, I have about 20 unfinished songs lol. Usually they're pretty bad though, so maybe it's good they're unfinished xD

From LSDJ to FL Studio, what are some of your favourites? Mine are LSDJ, FL Studio (not for chiptune), NitroTracker, and Electroplankton (Mainly the LumiLoops).


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I set my BPM (almost always 200), then I compose a bassline or intro. Then make a melody to go along with it, and finish with the drums! (I hate doing the drums though, I suck at beats lol)