
in the manual they give example of C command for major/minor and power chords
can you actually use it for, let's say A7 ? (2 C commands in a table ?)

or transpose+H00 in table is my only friend ?

using a table on a note with A command does not shortcut all settings of an eventual table already linked to the instrument ?

sorry if it's a dumb question, you're getting used to now...


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

everything depends on the style you're playing too

I always start on noise chan, where I go for a simple HH that gives me a ''click'' that I can use as a base for all the rest

then go on Wav, set the groove to 3/3 and create the kick and snare

I go for a basic rythm with Kick/Snare/HH and start thinking about the bass line on wav chan, also add a snare on noise
then try to explore some additionnal bass on Pulse1 and chords or simple melody on PU2

then I stop and cry because it's all useless shit with no feeling nor creative impulse and go back to the flute sad


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

just trial and error i'm afraid sad


you can ''clone'' instruments... meaning making the exact copy but with a new number > you can make changes on the second one without affecting the first one...

eternity means that you do not have the option of killing yourself ?

... gasp...

sorry guys, been away for a long time and did not thank you for all the cool answers and material!!

plenty of stuff to work on then!!

when i layer the two, I often us the pulse as a echoed instrument

you mean like the echoe chamber stuff in roboctopus tutorials ?

NNNNNNNNNN Is frustratingly good at what he does

oh yes, he is! oO

and then i throw some wobbles at the wav,

this I want to experiment!! you keep the kick on wav then ?


back with some noob LSDJ metaphisics...

i've spent looong introspective times to figure out weather I would use Wav chan for kicks or bass, or both... and well, I love Wav bass, but cannot honestly live without wave kicks and Wave/noise snares, so eventually gave priority to them.

the 3/3 ticks trick helps a lot, but also prevent from doing long bended notes on bass

my solution would be to keep root notes on wave (so I can got below octave3) and the rest of the bass line on PU1...

do you guys have any ideas, or exemple to give the illusion that wave and pulse Bass would belong to almost ''the same instrument'' ?

that is, making a very round PU1 bass that could fit into a deep sine wave ?

I've tried with P commands, envelope tables... but do not quite find what I want on this PU1 thing... hmm

2 (non chiptunes) attemps we've done this summer (not quite satisfied though), but we're still searching (sorry for the minimalism of progs):

un petit coin de paradis de son secret


woww... this sounds interesting, but will come once i'll master to throw cool Pulse Basses and the custom waves thing... in a few decades then smile

but on the principle, it's a nice feature that could represent the ''last step'', that allows LSDJ to go further than LSDJ...


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

infodrive wrote:

I write most of my stuff on an unmodded dmg

same for me, and the more it goes, the less I feel like modding it or getting to 2xLSDJ...

using four Gameboys simultaneously could have amazing results. smile

what a job though, to think/coordinate everything!! oO

2 would be a dreamy thing, as I'm in love with both Wave kicks AND Waves Bass

the 3/3 tiks trick works well, but often finds its limit with long lasting bass notes that get cut by next coming kick... and the fact that it's hard to ''cut the bass line'' in a live spirit

have to live with ''average sounding'' pulse bass then, that's the sad part of 8bit's life smile


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

atomsmasha wrote:

i moved from DAWs to LSDJ too.

I never managed to get my head around Nanoloop or Famitracker, but ymmv.

same for me
LSDJ reminds a lot of good old ''rebirth2'', but with digits instead of buttons... and more possibilities...

If you have the cash for 4 flashcarts you could have an entire Gameboy symphony.

well, 1card is far enough to get started at my sense... you can work on quite a while before seing 1xLSDJ limits...

this man is NOBODY's bitch!

obviously never had any sex life anyway smile

I think the clone feature is one of the things I need to explore next

but editing them again effects the 1st line and so on.

yep, cloning saves lives...

something very useful that I've read somewhere in a tutorial is always naming your instruments after the channel you use

ex: all instruments on PU1 will get numbers 00;01;02;03, etc, all instruments on PU2 will be 10;11;12, etc

makes things easier to recall them when you go for more complexity

I also allways keep the 00 chain with 4 blank 00 phrases, so I can whenever insert some silence in a given channel
chain 01 is always a 4 01 phrases ''click'' on each channel, so I can synchronise later with other instruments

And you can also clone instruments

shit... never thought about it, must be awsome to get some funny variations...


(60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

no sarcasm, you truly did!



(60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

well 6 DMGs for 2beat lines and a bass (sometimes on 2 instruments and a table!! yeaha!!) would be... how to say... mostly exagerated...

what I truly love in chipmusic stuff is walking/sitting on with 1DMG in its Pikachu bag, a head lamp when it's too dark and cheap headphones... and throw some fat sound with it smile

i'm a simple bass-man...


(60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

1.7 is the way to go.

you do defend your stuff very, very well wink

honestly, for the use I have, playing with 2 gameboys would be... silly...I'm just sometimes dreaming about a magic cardridge with LSDJ on face A and NL  on face B...


(60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

This requires some extra work because the nanoloop cart has a different memory bank model.

ok, understand then...

But of course, if you want to do more melodic stuff, LSDJ is your thing.

Nanoloop is indeed not so well suited for longer melodies

héhé, that's the point... I actually only use the GB for beat, bass and a slight bit of funny blips among other instruments... I even have sometimes a free pulse2 channel that I don't know how to fill up (*shame*)

on one side, I feel confortable with the LSDJ layout and ''philosophy'', on the other side I got kind of a faraway feeling that NL would suit better to my actual use of blips...

i'll try to get back on the demo version and user manual, instead of going into metaphysic...

If I got it right 1.3version is the way to go for fat beats and basses (trip-hop, d&b, abstract hip-hop, a bit of Dubbish things too) ?