(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

hi, thanks for the feedback

no, my use of tables is... how could I say...

...rare smile

i just have a few lines inside

maybe my very own GMB does only dislike D&B... gasp...

have to steel a solder iron at work now...


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

ok, thanks mate!

i'll try all of these as soon as I get the usb power cable then.

how do you clean contacts ? vinegar, 70° alcohol ?

scared about the iron method though, I'm 99.99% convinced i'm going to manage to screw it up.

actually got quite heavily hooked up by LSDJ (how surprising), so i'd scream a lot with loads of very bad words if the GMB dies... someone would have to pay...

thanks again for the advises


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


bit of a worry in my life of blips:

few weeks ago, little gray brick lost 1 pixel line on the side... bit of a bother with street fighter 2 sessions, but no real issue with lsdj...

last week, i've lost a second one (on the right side) and (this worries me most) noticed some strange stuff, like slowing down in the middle of a track, veryvery late response of A&B buttons and some times some silly WTF numbers on the song page...

I'm just starting to get into it and will try to add it to a duo project, but really scared to loose the instrument/data all in a sudden...
i've seen some tutorial on the net to recover the pixel lines with an iron... but what about the rest ?

should I make some human sacrifice ?

may be intimidated by the quantity and complexity of the equipment necessary to produce over-the-top and awesome chiptune.

gameboys always frightened me...


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i'm kind into a sort of ''not so high'' period lifewise... but making stupid drum&bass on a game boy, sitting in the woods between 6.30 and 7.30am before each shitty working day actually cheers me up smile

Jellica wrote:

and amstrad

barbarian (and rick dangerous) forever...

street fighter2
double gragon2
target renegade

and if nothing else, mario golden coins...


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'll get in touch with them ! Thanks !.

hé, tell me if you're planning to come arround some day!


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

do you sometimes play near by Le Puy en V'lay ?
bar ''la mappemonde'' would surely be interrested, they often offer live electro...

we're almost neighbours by the way!


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Imaginary wrote:

I love my dad.

tell him!


I took out the gameboy yesterday evening as we had a little improvised party with one of my sisters, her boyfriend and quite a lot of ruhm... he spent a looong time listening to Zef and roboctopus things, going through lsdj screens... he was like ''schocked'' by the discovery... and only speaks about getting a USB cardtrige since smile

weekly chipgroup therapy thread, mm ?



(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i'll try to search from there then, and will surely find some related stuff

many thanks!


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

do what i did and smash the two sides together in a barely congruous way! it's great!

I'm sure it is, do you have some stuff to listen to ?

nothing to do with current topic, but... do you guys have any exemple(s) of tunes/artists mixing gameboy and ukulele ?

I'm quite an active ukulele player (uke's world has a lot in common with chip) and i'd dream to add some LSDJ in my solo arrangements, but quite do not see yet how to start with this...


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

As a new comer in the holy world of blips, I kind of passed through different phases while discovering the chiptune scene... actually looks like most of reactions that you guys already described:

-  1: holy sh*t ! I've never realised it was actually possible to get music out of a gameboy!! deliciously geek and vintage !! have to check this out!
-  2: funny thing, very impressive... just a pity that it always sounds like mario stuff...
-  3: who are these guys ? Zef ? Danimal Cannon ? jellica ? roboctopus ?... sounds like there is some huge work behind this... have to dig it more...
-  4: whow... this wave kick/bass is pure genius (core, from Zef)... I need more of these .sav
-  5: I need more...
-  6: I need more!!!

I've brought this to a few musican friends, most of them found it cool, but I felt they where actually more attracted by the ''game-boy-as-a-muscial-object'' than the music itself...

I guess it takes a bit of knowledge and .sav analyses to get the whole beauty of it... have also the impression that chip music is mostly made by chiptune fans for chiptune fans.

You can make fast sounding tracks at lower bpms and slow songs at high bpms

yepyepyep... I was just joking, nevermind wink

WHO makes 40bpm music ??? oO

lowest i've ever used is 170... and I felt ashamed smile